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Next Saturday, join the worldwide Mandriva Linux install-party! (Worldwide Install Party: Mandriva to rally its community of users in 65 towns across the globe, on November 19)

Wednesday November 16 2005:

On next Saturday (November, 19th), installation sessions of Mandriva Linux will take place around the world. Major participating locations include the United States, Brazil, Canada, China, Moroco, and the island of Reunion. More than 60 cities are involved, including a dozen in China and 15 in Brazil.

Receive answers to your questions, get a free installation on your machine or help others discover Linux!

Will you join? Ask your local LUG if they are organizing a local party!

Mandriva Linux 2006: ISO images are available

Monday November 14 2005:

A few weeks after the release of the full Mandriva 2006 installation tree, CD and DVD ISO images have silently replicated all over hundreds FTP mirrors worldwide during the week-end...

Mandriva Linux 2006 is available! (Mandriva releases 2006 convergence products, extends innovation)

Friday October 21 2005:

The new official version of Mandriva Linux is here!

Kat gets a new home

Monday September 26 2005:

As you know, one of the forthcoming Mandriva 2006's new features is the integration of the local search engine "Kat".

Mandriva Linux 2006 RC2

Monday September 26 2005:

Mandriva Linux 2006 RC2 - Many bug fixes again since the first RC. Here is the RC2, for both x86 and x86-64 processors

Very important update!

Monday September 26 2005:

Following the recent transfer of all "mandrake" domain names to their new owner, some users may have experienced some issues with updating their Linux system.