
Thanks to Vitalijus Karpovicius, an Install fest was hold in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Install party was started at scheduled time. On the wall we displayed some moments from last Mandriva install party, later we present Mandriva as a company and Mandriva products line. Also detailed explain new features of Mandriva 2007 (like: live CD, invictus firewall, compiz etc.)

On deployment part of event we had some problem with no-brand dual core notebook with a nvidia video card, and serious problem with SiS chipset based motherboard (did't start xserver at all). Some strange problem encountered with DVD Free version of Mandriva 2007 on PC with video chipset from nvidia. On this PC compiz didn't start with xgl (but from the live CD all started perfectly).

On other notebook (like Fujistsu-Siemens Amilo series, IBM Thinkpad, Dell) we did't encountered any serious problem.

We had 16 people in this party, almost of not work with linux at all. But the live CD impressed with its ease to install and ease of use, also everyone liked the nice compiz effects.

I'm glad that Mandriva support this type of event, who's change some minds of people that meen that over the all world no alternative to proprietary software.

Reported by Vitalijus Karpovicius