Worldwide Install Party Mandriva - Argentina
We were more than twenty people, and install the new version of Mandriva was a pleasure!!
"All the event was very nice, even I didn't know Mandriva, I could help and give some advices from my experience in Linux. The distribution is very
well, I was amazed many things, in special way the install method, more than simple and intuitive."
Esteban Lorenzo (installer)
"We have a clear example about what it can be get when some institutions
collaborate and join together (I guess that is synergy). In this case, the
Universidad del Salvador, the Club de Programadores and the Mandriva
Ariel Alegre - President of Club de Programadores
Three words:
*Thanks* for invite me. *Rejoice* because I had the chance of be protagonist in the event. *Approved* because I were able to install Mandriva 2006.
Irma RamÃrez
A thousand of congratulations for this initiative since this way contributes to new users approach to this wonderful world. I want to highlight the great organization, as well as the installers that came in time, and I don't want omit to the attendance that came a saturday (9:30 a.m.) with their PC in order to install Linux (Mandriva) in machines with the forbidden system.
Pablo Alonso
Mandriva thanks you again for all you sent and all you've done!