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October 9th - 2006

On December 20, 2005,The board of directors had decided to grant all Mandriva's shareholders with 2,796,702 warrants ("BSA") (in the proportion of one BSA for two existing shares).

On January 6, 2006, it decided, as per the Autorité des Marchés Financiers' request, to immediately suspend said issuance, and to issue a prospectus subject to the AMF's visa.

AMF's visa was granted on June 23, 2006. The board had therefore decided, to resume the process between July 3, 2006 and September 29, 2006.

Mandriva today reported that 302,136 BSA have been exercised for a total amount of 1,586,214 euros.
Directors of the company that had committed to subscribe to all the BSA allocated to them have exercised 250,980 BSA for a total amount of 1,317,645 euros.

The company thanks the shareholders who have participated to the operation.

About Mandriva

Mandriva is one of the world leading editors of Linux operating systems and open-source software. The company develops and markets the Mandriva Linux operating system. Several hundred developers worldwide contribute to the constant improvement of our product via the Internet and to its internationalisation (it is now available in nearly 70 languages). Mandriva also provides associated off-line services such as consultancy, training and support, alongside on-line services including technical back-up and the Mandriva Users Club.

Mandriva has its headquarters in Paris and offices in the USA and Brazil.
The company is listed on the Marché Libre of Euronext Paris.
For more information go to: mandriva.com/company/investors/newsletter

ISIN: FR0004159382

Reuters: MAKE.PA

Number of shares: 5,908,889

Contact Mandriva:

François Bancilhon / Thierry Bossut
investors at mandriva dot com
Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 41 00 41