LynuxTraining: New LPI certified training partner
Friday February 11 2005
The Linux Professional Institute announced today the certification of a new provider of Linux Professional Institute Approved Training Materials (LATM) in Switzerland and France.
(Toronto, ON - February 7, 2005 ): The Linux Professional Institute (LPI), the premier Linux certification organization, worldwide (, announced today the certification of a new provider of Linux Professional Institute Approved Training Materials (LATM) in Switzerland and France
LynuxTraining provides the first French-language LPI approved training materials. Their courseware is also available in English, and a German translation is anticipated in the near future. LPI's President, Evan Leibovitch, says, "LynuxTraining's recent certification as an LATM is another indication of the continued value of the grassroots contribution to the Linux community, as a whole." He added, "Worldwide, the growth and strength of Linux, and the need for common, vendor-independent, recognition of professional achievement are supported and sustained by the Linux community who continue to develop LPI approved training materials, focused on professional certification in all versions of Linux, through LPI."
LPI's Approved Training Materials (LATM) program is a quality assurance process designed to identify training materials that accurately support LPI certifications. Products designated as LATM have passed stringent quality assurance testing to assure all LPI test objectives are covered within the content.
Mandrakesoft, the publisher of Mandrakelinux, with offices in California, USA and Paris, France, uses LynuxTraining's LATM courseware in their training programs. "Our decision to utilize LynuxTraining courseware in our own program was based on the fact that our training programs are geared to Linux Professional Institute's (LPI) recognized certifications. We needed vendor-neutral materials that were up-to-date, and structured toward successful LPI examination and certification. The LynuxTraining materials met our criteria, on every level.", said François Bancilhon, CEO of Mandrakesoft.
Globally, LPI's certification program has delivered over 70,000 certification exams since the program's inception in 1999.
LPI supports affiliate networks on five continents, worldwide, including Brazil, Bulgaria, Jamaica, United States, Japan, Canada, Germany, Australia, China, France, the United Kingdom and South Africa.
To learn more, contact Linux Professional Institute at, LynuxTraining at