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Multi Network Firewall provides comprehensive user-friendly solution for advanced VPN networks

Thursday December 12 2002

Altadena, CA; Paris, France; December 12th, 2002 -- MandrakeSoft, a leading Linux solutions provider, today announced the availability of "Multi Network Firewall" (MNF) -- a multi-VPN (virtual private network), multi-DMZ (demilitarized zone) firewall and networking solution that provides smart Internet Traffic Management combined with an industrial-strength hardening system for the highest level of network security.
MNF provides remote administration and finely-tuned monitoring through a secure web interface, plus MandrakeSoft's world-famous ease-of-use. MNF is the newest release in the MandrakeSecurity range of products, which also includes the Single Network Firewall, an application widely adopted by customers throughout the globe.

MNF is now available at MandrakeStore.

The Multi Network Firewall adds numerous features to Single Network Firewall such as the ability to manage multiple Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and multiple DeMilitarized Zones (DMZs). MNF is based on a secure Linux 2.4 kernel to provide numerous new technologies as well as an improved user interface. "The Single Network Firewall was a great product in its class, but it didn't include the wealth of advanced features that are introduced with MNF," said Frédéric Lepied, Chief Technical Officer of MandrakeSoft. "Aside from DMZ and VPN features, MNF offers, for instance, a stateful packet filtering technology based on IPtables and the Shorewall project to allow smarter and more precise analysis of data packets."

Easy network management and administration

The attractive interface offered by MNF enables system administrators to configure complex firewall and network options/services with just a few clicks of the mouse to result in dramatic time and productivity gains. Even the most experienced administrators will appreciate the ability to achieve, in a matter of minutes, previously complicated tasks such as customizing the graphical display of information for network and system activities. With MNF, a basic firewall configuration can be accomplished with just two mouse clicks (closing and opening of ports).

A cost effective solution for SMBs and large enterprises

MNF is an ideal solution for small and medium-sized businesses as well as large enterprises seeking to deploy a full-featured network security solution that also delivers a low cost of ownership. Provided under a "per-server" licensing model, MNF's comprehensive networking solution offers superior economics by eliminating typical "add-on" costs such as 3DES VPN licenses and VPN clients, as well as by bundling a collection of software that most other companies sell separately.

"MNF addresses the increasing needs expressed by businesses for a cost-effective yet comprehensive firewalling solution. Our new product is a milestone in MandrakeSoft's long standing focus on security matters," said François Bancilhon, CEO of MandrakeSoft. "It is difficult, if not impossible, to find a better product that combines mouse-based configuration with such advanced powerful network services."

A medium-sized business can use MNF to build the entire company's network, including several demilitarized zones (DMZs) with Intrusion Detection capabilities. DMZs are special areas of a network placed between an untrusted environment (such as the Internet) and a protected network. With MNF, a business is capable of creating as many virtual private networks as needed, for example, to provide secure and encrypted communication for privileged and critical data. Large enterprises, especially those comprised of multi-platform environments, can use MNF to build sub-networks for providing secure access to entire company divisions. MNF also enables large enterprises to create virtual networks so that mobile staff members can communicate securely with the main office.

MNF's leading-edge Traffic Management feature handles the widest range of Internet connections, including modem, DSL, ISDN, Cable and T1. With MNF, businesses can optimize Internet bandwidth and control the time allowed for web-surfing. The integration of an easily configurable proxy (transparent, manual and manual with user authentication) accelerates access to content and data transfer. A specialized feature allows the ability to control Internet access only during specified hours of the day. MNF also enables businesses to enact content filtering capabilities to make sure that inappropriate or unwanted content can not be accessed from within the company's network.

MNF's main features include:

Easy-to-use yet powerful configuration tools

- Configuration and management is performed through a secure Web Interface
- Monitoring tools display detailed information about network & system
activity - Logs report intrusion detection, DHCP and Proxy usage
- Dial-on-demand provides a hassle-free way to share a dial-up connection

Strong Firewall

- "IPtables" firewalling subsystem (stateful secure kernel 2.4).
- "Snort" and "Prelude" Intrusion Detection Systems
- DMZ wizard for configuring DMZs
- VPN, based on FreeS/wan project, for secure data transfer
- "Shorewall" hardening firewall system
- "MSEC" security system

Complete network solution

- Integrated and easily configured Proxy
- URL/content filtering
- Web surfing time restriction
- DNS cache
- DHCP server

A complete list of MNF features is available at:

Pricing and availability

Sold under a per-server licensing model, the Multi Network Firewall is available at MandrakeStore (http://www.mandrivastore.com) for $1990. This price includes 30 days of telephone support in France and the United States, or 30 days of Internet-based support for all other countries. MNF's packaged version also includes six months access to a dedicated MandrakeSoft server for security updates. A comprehensive Installation manual ensures that all MNF users can easily and rapidly deploy a full-featured system.

Members of the Mandrake Corporate Club as well as "Gold" (and above) MandrakeClub members are entitled to a 10% discount. Please visit the MNF pricing page to learn more:


MNF is available in two versions: a download version with MandrakeSoft's developments released under the GPL (General Public License), and a commercial version with MandrakeSoft''s developments copyrighted under a non-GPL license. The two versions are identical regarding the number of included network/firewall features, but are different regarding MandrakeSoft's development licensing. Contrary to the commercial version sold at MandrakeStore, the download version is not eligible for technical or warranty support from MandrakeSoft. Details of MNF's licensing terms are available at:

The MNF is derived from the OpenRouter project partially funded by the European Commission's IST program (IST-2000-28503, under Key-action IV.3, Research in & take-up of Open Source / Free Software).

Additional information about MNF is available at

About MandrakeSoft

MandrakeSoft provides a trusted interface between users of information technology and Open Source developers. The company offers its enterprise, government and educational customers a complete range of GNU/Linux and OpenSource software and related services, plus user-friendly and highly competitive information technologies. Additionally, MandrakeSoft offers technologists committed to Open Source software and courseware a trusted channel to offer their services.

MandrakeSoft has technologists in over 20 countries, and is traded on Paris Euronext Marche Libre (Euroclear code: 4477.PA; Reuters code: MAKE.PA) and the US OTC market (stock symbol MDKFF). "Born on the Internet" in late 1998, MandrakeSoft has established headquarters in the U.S.A., Montreal and France.

Please visit the website: https://mandriva.com for more information.