Mandriva Linux Mailing-lists
Several Mandriva Linux related mailing-lists are available :
Mandriva Linux Community newsletter
Subscribe to the Community Newsletter to receive the latest and most exciting news about Mandriva Linux!
More information
Support/discussion Lists
These lists can be used to get help, although you'd better purchase support incidents and use Mandriva Expert instead.
The first list, newbie@ is for beginners.
There is also a list for more experienced users: expert@
In order to subscribe to one of these lists, please send "subscribe newbie" or "subscribe expert" in the body of a message to [email protected].
Developers lists
All the developers mailing-list can be found on Mandriva wiki developers' list page.
Security lists
Security holes are fixed as soon as possible when they are discovered. Most packages can easily be upgraded just by running "MandrivaUpdate'' regularly.
[email protected]: a read-only list that receives security and bugfix advisories.
[email protected]: a mailing list for the discussion of security issues.
[email protected]: a mailing list for the discussion of the MNF product line.
In order to subscribe to one of these lists, please send "subscribe security-announce" or "subscribe security-discuss" or "subscribe security-firewall" in the body of a message to [email protected].
Since January 2002, we provide our own Mandriva mailing-list archives.
Procedures to subscribe or unsubscribe from a Mandriva mailing-list
You can subscribe to any discussion list by sending an email to with "subscribe listName" in the body of the message.
You can similarly unsubscribe to any list by sending an email to with "unsubscribe listName" in the body of the message.
In both cases, " listName" would be the name of the list you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to.
Example: "unsubscribe cooker"
Please make sure the email address in your mail utility is the same you would like the list to use.
When unsubscribing to a list you MUST use the same email address that was used to subscribe.
If you would like more information about a list, you can send an email to with " info listName" in the body of your message.