Home > Projects > Metisse > Functionalities


Clearing Ups:

  • Full documentation is available on the Mandriva One GNOME - Metisse Inside ! Edition at /usr/share/metisse/doc/using.html

  • Super key is often Windows key (also called Meta key).

  • On a wheel mouse, button 2 is pressing the wheel.

  • On a three button mouse, pressing the wheel is equivalent to pressing middle button.

  • Button 1 is also called left button.

  • Button 3 is also called right button.

Window operations:

Move windows:

  • press/hold button 1 on title bar and release when done. You can press Alt, press/hold button1 anywhere in window, move window and release when done. You can also press Alt-F7 and press button1 when satisfied.

  • to move a window temporary : press button 1 on title bar, release it then drag with button 1 pressed. When released, window goes back to its original position. You can also press Meta key when doing a standard window move to achieve the same result.

  • when moving a window, screen edges or other window edges are magnetic (displayed as edge window distorted by magnetic edges), allowing easier window alignment. To disable this snapping behaviour, you need to press Alt key while moving. If move was started with Alt-button1, release and press Alt key.

minimize / maximize:

  • to maximize window, use maximize icon on titlebar or double click on title bar or any window border. Same to unmaximize.

  • to maximize fullscreen a window, press/hold button1 maximize icon on titlebar and move mouse cursor to top/right edge of screen.

  • to maximize vertically a window, press/hold button1 on maximize button and move mouse cursor vertically (up or down). You can also use Alt-F10.

  • to maximize horizontally a window, press/hold button1 on maximize button and move mouse cursor horizontally (right or left). You can also use Alt-F11.

  • to iconify a window, press Super-i (same to revert).

to restore a window to its original state (cancel rotations / scaling / zooming)

  • press mouse wheel on window title or press Super-F1. Do the same operation to get transformations back.


  • contextual actions menus to scale / rotate / resize windows are available by press and hold button 1 on window borders : it will display a pie menu ; to select an action, just move mouse cursor to wanted action and release button 1 when done.

  • to rotate window horizontaly, go on window top or bottom border, press and hold button 1, a menu appear and move mouse cursor over X rotation and then move mouse cursor to rotate window. You can also use keybinding Super-F6 and Super-F7 with mouse over the rotated window.

  • to rotate window verticaly, go on window left or right border, press/hold button 1, move mouse cursor on Y rotation and move mouse cursor, release button 1 when rotation is ok for you. You can also use Super-F4 / Super-F5.

  • to rotate a window (Z axis), go on the edge of the window, press/hold button 1, mose mouse cursor to Z rotate and move your mouse. You can also use Super-F2 / Super-F3.

  • to rotate a window in three axis at the same time, press Meta-o and press button 1 when rotation is ok.

  • to put a window in auto-rotation motion, press Super-a (same to stop motion).

Contextual menus to fold / temporary scale or resize window:

  • available by double click button 1 and hold on window border and choose action by moving mouse on selected action. On window edge, only folding is available this way.

Resize a window:

  • Bypressing shift while pressing button1 on window border or pressing Alt-F8.

scaling / zooming:

  • to scale a window, go to one of the border, press/hold button 1, move mouse cursor to scale and release button 1 when scaling is ok. You can also press Alt while press and hold button 1 on border and move mouse.

  • Pressing Super will do a temporary scaling (undo when button 1 is released).

  • to zoom in/out a window, use mouse wheel (up / down) when mouse cursor in on window titlebar. You can also press iconify / maximize button on window titlebar with button 2 or 3 for the same effect. Pressing Ctrl-Super while rolling mouse wheel anywhere on the window do the same effect. You can also use Super-s / Super-z.

  • to get zoom-in menu, double-click on minimize icon with button1.

  • to get maximize and zoom-out menus, double-click on maximize icon with button1.

  • to scale a window verticaly, triple click on window title. Same action to revert.

to deform a window with a lens:

  • press Super-c (same to revert).

rolling window for copy-paste

  • obtained automatically when starting a text selection (press hold button1 and move it) in a window : if other windows are covering selected windows, they are rolled to ensure selected window is visible.

Pager action:

to zoom out to pager mode:

  • press Super key and roll wheel down or press Super-d.

to zoom in from pager to page:

  • press Super key and roll wheel up or press Super-d. To choose another page than the selected one, move mouse cursor over one of the edge of the screen and roll wheel up.

to move between page

  • use Ctrl-Alt Left/Right/Up/Down.

to move a window to another page

  • press button 3 on icon on title bar and choose destination. Or triple-click button1, hold it and move cursor in the wanted direction.

to zoom in/out current desktop:

  • press Super-F8/F9 or Super-PgUp/Super-PgDown

Scroll a zoomed-in desktop

  • using Super-Left/Right/Up/Down to scroll it.

Façades interaction:


  • to create a selection in a window, press Super key and select region by press and holding button 1. To add to current selection, using Ctrl-Super instead of Super.

  • to cancel a selection, press Super and button 1 anywhere outside current selection.

create a hole:

  • to create a hole in a window, press button 3 on selected area and choose "create a hole"

  • to remove a hole, press button 2 on title bar icon and choose "Remove holes"


  • to duplicate a window region, move selection on target window or on available space on the desktop. You can also use contextual menu on selection and choose "Create a facade". To merge several selection, just drop one on previous selections.

  • to save a facade attached to a window, press Super-button2 on title bar icon, then choose "Save facade"

  • to remove a facade from a window, press Super-button2 on title bar icon and choose "Remove facade"

  • for remove association between loaded facade and window, press Super-button2 and choose "Unsave Facade"

interface query:

  • to get combobox to radio menu editor, press Super-button2 on combobox and choose "combobox to radio menu editor".