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Mandriva Advisories

Updates for both security and non-functional packages are essential for a smooth-running system. Mandriva recommends that all users upgrade to the packages issued by any advisory to prevent problems with your system and unauthorized intrusion or denial of service attacks.

A graphical update utility called MandrivaUpdate is installed on your Mandriva Linux desktop. All you have to do is launch MandrivaUpdate to update your system through the GUI utility. The program lets you choose your FTP server within a list of server mirror. Then it fetches each update you have to make and lets you choose those you really need. In Mandrakelinux 8.x+, MandrakeUpdate has been replaced by the Software Manager.

Security update advisories are sent to the security mailing lists.

All security announcements and updated RPMs are signed with the GPG key of the Mandriva Security Team which is available for download.

Legend/Filters: Security Update Bugfix Update General Update

Date Advisory Synopsis
2002-07-02 MDKA-2002:008 New rpm-macros packages provide new RPM macros
2001-11-20 MDKA-2001:021 Updated mktemp packages can create temporary directories
2001-03-12 MDKA-2001:004 Updated perl-Mysql packages provide compatibility with the latest MySQL update version
2001-01-05 MDKA-2001:002 Updated cvs packages provide xinetd support
2000-11-13 MDKA-2000:015 Updated leafnode packages provide xinetd support