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Mandriva Linux Corporate Desktop

Corporate Desktop

The Mandriva Linux Desktop for Businesses

Mandriva brings to the enterprise its renowned expertise in Desktop Linux. Now, for Office productivity, Business of all sizes can rely on ease of use, streamlined and intuitively organized software package, as well as leading applications of their kind in every field.
Corporate Desktop offers 5-year product maintenance and is based on open standards and compatibility, so businesses can enjoy a stable and flexible infrastructure. From user-friendliness to security, to interoperability, Corporate Desktop is all the enterprise has been demanding. It's also the ideal client for Mandrivasoft's Corporate Server.

 Most user-friendly and easy to use Linux Desktop
 Task-oriented menu, a single application per task
 5-year Product Maintenance
 x86 and x86-64 architectures

 3 CDs
 1 manual
Support & Services
Please see chart below.
 Purchase boxed version
 Purchase downloadable version
 Volume purchase options
 Corporate Server
Optional content
- Development Tools (CD4)
A comprehensive set of applications for all your development needs:
Applications Overview | Purchase

*   Leading Office productivity applications

Web browser


Office Suite

 OpenOffice 1.1, fully compatible with Microsoft®Office; available in more than 20 languages

Personal Information Manager

 Evolution, support of Microsoft®Exchange

Instant Messaging


Media Player


Mandriva Linux tools

 Drakremote to enable VNC remote access

 Drakauthentication to allow Active Directory authentication

Added Value Software

 Cross®Over Office – Standard Demo Version

It allows Windows® applications productivity like Microsoft®Office, to be run on Corporate Desktop without a Windows® operating system license.

 Thanks to ICA client, you will be able to connect Corporate desktop to Citrix® server.

 Thanks to NX Client, you will be able to connect Corporate Desktop to NX server.

 RealPlayer™, Acrobat®Reader™, FlashPlayer™ **

KDE software

 Kiosk Admin Tool is a Point&Click tool for system administrators to enable KDE's KIOSK features or otherwise pre-configure KDE for groups of users

*   Open standards and compatibility

 12-18 month upgrade cycles
 5 year product maintenance

 Kernel 2.6

Easy to use
 KDE 3.2
 Automated Installation Process: benefit from automatic hardware detection* and configuration
 PXE auto-installation

 x86 and x86-64 architectures
 SMP and Hyper-Threading architectures
 Support for USB2 and IEEE1394
 Serial ATA: Most controllers supported in non-Raid mode
 Heterogeneous environment support with Samba
 Tool for easy migration from Samba2 to Samba3
 NTFS partition resizing without data loss

 Virus safe
 Firewall, easily configured shorewall
 Encrypted file systems

*   Services

&nsp; Corporate Desktop

English / French version


Start at $109.90


x86- x86-64





1 year



Web Response

2 Business Days



MANDRIVA ONLINE- Professional Level


1 year

  Mandrivaonline- Professional Level

The professional level of Mandrivaonline enables you to update an entire computer network through a centralized and automated service.
Thanks to a new web interface, scheduling updates or creating computer groups is intuitive!

For more information about Mandrivaonline, visit

Support scope
Summary of standard scope:

Installation and Update, Partitioning, Software management, Bootloader, Video configuration, Printing system, Hardware, Internet connection, Network clients

Note: Mandriva does not guarantee that Mandriva Linux products are compatible with all hardware and software configurations. A complete hardware compatibility list is available on our website:

PSMP:To reduce the cost of acquiring and implementing multiple licenses please visit:

Direct Access
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The Personalized Solutions and Maintenance Program allows organizations to reduce the costs related to evaluating, acquiring, implementing, and maintaining eBusiness software. More ....