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Mandriva's History

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Over the last four years, Mandriva has established itself as one of the world leaders in Open Source and Linux software.

->  1998 - 1999

->  2000

->  2001

*   1998 - 1999 : foundation and growth

 July 1998

Gael Duval releases his first version of Mandriva Linux (version 5.1) on the Internet. Success is immediate. Along with thousands of downloads, CDs are rapidly produced and sold throughout France, Australia and the US. A great number of users and developers adopt Mandriva Linux which becomes a recognised distribution with a very strong image as far as ease of installation and of use are concerned.

 November 1998

Foundation of Mandriva by Gaël Duval, Frédéric Bastok and Jacques Le Marois. The aim of the company is to pursue the development of the Mandriva Linux operating system and develop a business activity around it through packaged versions and associated service.

 December 1998

Mandriva places for free download the 5.2 version of its operating system on the Internet. Success is such that extra downloading sites need to be found immediately. This is the first time that a Linux company offers a version in such a format and favours distribution through download thereby enabling large scale scattering around the world.

 February 1999

Launch of the Mandriva Linux first packaged version (version 5.3) - with handbook - in February 1999 for the French version and in March 1999 for the English version.

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 May 1999

Various distribution business agreements are signed. Macmillan Software, now called Pearson Technology Group, decides to base its Linux product range on Mandriva Linux rather than Red Hat (editor of the Red Hat Linux distribution). This agreement allows Mandriva to access a vast distribution network in the US.

 August 1999

Mandriva is awarded Best Product of the Year at the San Jose Linux World Expo in California. The Mandriva Linux distribution is elected best operating system for servers and second for client operating systems.

 September 1999

Mandriva opens a US subsidiary - Mandrivasoft Inc - in Altadena, Califonia in order to support the developments of the company in the United States.

 November 1999

Mandriva obtains the "Innovative Company" label from the French National Association for the Development of Research (ANVAR).

*   2000 : substantial increase in the user base

 January 2000

Launch of the 7.0 version of the Mandriva Linux distribution.

 July 2000

Launch of the first training offering and packaged technical support, associated with a series of agreements with value added resellers (VAR) and partner training centers.

 July 2000

Mandriva opens its subsidiary in Canada, Mandrivasoft Inc., in Montréal.

 September 2000

Mandriva Linux wins the American Linux Magazine prize for best client side distribution.

 November 2000

Mandriva opens offices in London in order to accompany the development of the business activity in the UK.

 December 2000

With almost two thirds of its sales in the US, Mandriva holds - together with its competitor Red Hat - the number one position in the US.

Source: PC Data research on the American market, measuring the relative marketshares of all the main free software editors in 2000.

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 February 2001

Mandriva innovates by launching two community platforms for technical support and on-line learning: Mandriva Expert and MandrivaCampus. These platforms achieve great success: 40 000 suscribed users and experts by the end of May 2001.

 April 2001

Signing of various strategic partnerships with HP and Compaq (OEM agreements) which contribute to the growth of Mandriva's product circulation.

 May 2001

Mandriva opens its e-business Web site and platform, Mandriva Store, in order to distribute online its software and bi-products aimed at the community.

 May 2001

Launch of the Mandriva Linux 8.0 version.

 July 2001

Entrance in the Paris Euronext free market (Marché Libre).

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Euronext (MAKE.PA) :
6.24 €
(~ 8.32 USD)

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