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How to trade Mandriva's stock on Euronext?

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Some additional information a broker will need for Euronext market:

  • The order "side": buy or sell
  • The order "type": when trading on the Marche Libre, it is recommended to include a "limit" order.
  • The order duration
Please see the bottom of this page for descriptions of the types of orders.
You can view the latest quotation of Mandriva stock on Yahoo! or Euronext.

To view the stock history, you can look at Yahoo!.

Here a list of brokers which allow trading on Euronext:
International: Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, UBS, DLJ, CSFB
US: Knight Securities, Citigroup Global Markets, Bear Stearn, Prudential:
Spain: CAM-bank

The Marche Libre is an unregulated European stock market. The amount of liquidities exchanged daily on the Marche Libre may be low; therefore, it is highly recommended that orders be stipulated as "limit" in order to avoid buying shares at too high a price or selling too low.

Here are some specifics:

  • There is one price determinition per day on this market at 3 p.m. Paris Time; however, the hypothetical price is unveiled at 7:15 am.
  • For an equity security, the determined price cannot breach a threshold of plus or minus 10% of the last known price or last indicative price.

For detailed information on how to place orders on the Marche Libre, please refer to the Organisation Memo (PDF file) published by Euronext SA, the European company that operates this market.

Type of orders

Limit order
An order to buy at a maximum price or sell at a minimum price fixed by you. It could be preferable to use this type of order when trading on the Marche Libre.

Market-to-limit order
An order to buy or sell a security at the price set at the opening of the market. This kind of order may be risky, as one doesn't know the price of a share at the opening of the market.

"must be filled" order
The order must be taken at all costs. This order is risky because one doesn't know the final price of a share. It is all the more risky since this kind of order is executed as a priority before the other types of order.

"all or none" order
The order must be filled entirely.

Stop Order or Stop Loss order
The order is effective once the security reaches a fixed priced from which it becomes a "must be filled" order, thus taking priority over the alternative orders.

Stop Limit Order
This order requires the definition of a maximum buy price and a minimum sell price. It is similar to a stop order, except for the fact it becomes a "Limit order", and not a "must be filled" order, once the specified prices are touched.
"A stop-limit order is one that tells the broker to buy at a specified price or better once the security has reached a certain level. For example, xyz stock is currently trading at 43. You think that the price will probably decline to 40 and find support there. To make sure the stock is rising and is showing some strength when you buy it, you don't want to buy until it reaches 42. Assume you want to buy 100 shares. You would tell the broker to buy 100 xyz 40 stop 42 limit. This means that once the market price of the stock reaches 40 the broker enters a limit order to be executed at 42 or better (lower price)."

Duration of orders

There are three types of order durations
  • Day order: the order is valid for the current day
  • Fixed duration order: the order is valid within the duration you've decided
  • "Good till canceled": the order is valid for 365 calendar days and can be cancelled anytime you wish.
If no duration is specified, an order is deemed to be a day order.

Direct Access
Mandriva stock
Euronext (MAKE.PA) :
6.20 €
(~ 8.27 USD)