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Exhibitions in France

19.04.2007: Worldwide Partner Event

Business oriented presentation on the ongoing and upcoming strategy for Mandriva Worldwide and more specifically for France, Brazil & USA occured between Mandriva and its partners network. There were macro presentations and demonstrations of Mandriva's range of products, solutions, services for the Individual market & Corporate market. Functionalities, technical highlights, short term strategy were exposed by the corresponding manager.

Then Mandriva Local Partners presented their business approach. They provided information on market, sales, go-to-market strategy and finished with a success story. These sessions were animated with a game of questions & answers and showed the sucess of the company.

Were present, among with Mandriva France executives:

  • United Kingdom

  • Russia

  • West Africa

  • Benelux

  • Poland

  • Norway

  • Iran

  • Czech Republic

  • Turkey

  • South Korea

  • Iberia

  • Australia

  • Mexico

  • Germany

01.02.2007: Solutions Linux 2007 Summit

Once again Mandriva took part in the Linux Solutions summit, and once again we have done things well !

The feeling:

The final assessment is very good. Despite some technical difficulties at the beginning (easily solved), we knew
no trouble during those three days and it was our pleasure to welcome Mandriva and Linux users on our booth.

We had very good feedbacks from users and people who did not necessarily know Mandriva before.

Visitors appreciated the availability of the staff and the possibility to have product demonstrations on demand, especially for the Mandriva Flash : many people were constantly pressing around the demonstration computer.

Many people who knew Mandriva but had stopped updating after the 10 or 10.1 version showed interest in the 2007 version. That's the 3-D effect ! Many visitors admitted coming back to Mandriva just because of this.
Some had also heard about Metisse and are now eager to try the Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring version.

The presentations also had great success, especially those made by Fred who managed to make his Metisse presentations captivating.

Visitors now know it all about Pulse, Metisse and the Mandriva Linux 2007 range, among others.

Besides the users, this summit was also for us a good opportunity to meet representatives from various associations. We talked about upcoming projects and partnership opportunities, so stay on the look-out for upcoming events in
which Mandriva will take an active part.

The numbers :

The Mandriva booth was very popular : more than 1500 people were scanned.
About 2000 people stopped and chatted with us (the hostess could not scan everybody)

If you add all those who only passed briefly in order to grab a couple of goodies and have a look at the presentations, it amounts to quite a nice number of people.

About 2500 Mandriva One were handed out. That's as many potential users converted!

The team is unanimous : participating to this summit and meeting people was a great pleasure.
We'd do it again in a blink !

The pictures :

Solution Linux 2007

Solutions Linux 2007 -- Warly

Solutions Linux 2007 - Mandriva Team

More pictures on our Mandriva Flickr account

25.07.2006: 17/10/2006: Eyrolles Event: A Successful Migration To Open Source Softwares

Eyrolles, the famous editor of specialized books, is organising a convention the goal of which is to facilitate your migration to open source softwares and help you make it a complete success.

This event is particularly cut for those who want low cost, but efficient, IT solutions: product managers, IT managers, CEOs...

It will be the perfect chance for them to understand the point of the migration and to discuss with several important actors on the open source scene.

This event will take place on october 17th, 2006, in Paris.

If you want more information and whish to participate:

Download the programm

Download the sign-up form

31.01.2006: Solutions Linux 2006

Linux Solutions 2006 ended on February, 2nd 2006 and was once again a great success. So much of a success that 9325 visitors went, 279 enterprises showed their activity and 1800 participants came to keynotes sessions and conferences.

Take a look at the pictures:

09.11.2005: AFUP organizes the PHP Forum in Paris

AFUP has hold the PHP Forum in Paris, on the 9th and 10th of November 2005. For Mandriva, one of the sponsors, this was great opportunity to meet with the PHP business community.
To learn more, visit: www.afup.org

15.10.2005: France-India

This event is a great opportunity to discover the Indian culture, in Paris.

Complete announcement available in French

To learn more, visit: www.franceindia.net