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Consolidated results for Fiscal 2006-2007 Q3
Mandriva (formerly Mandrarkesoft) reported for the third quarter of fiscal year 2006-2007 revenue of 1.02M€ and a loss of 0.6M€.
Mandriva successfully closes its second round of capital increase
Following the shareholder meeting of 25th May 2007, the company organized the second round of its capital increase. Recall that we structured the operation in two rounds:
Consolidated results for the first half year of 2006/2007 (Oct 2006-March 2007) and shareholder meeting
Mandriva consolidated results for the first half year of 2006/2007 (Oct 2006-March 2007) and shareholder meeting
April 16th, 2007
Mandriva is in the process of raising a minimum of 3M€ from a reference investor, Occam Capital, and existing shareholders on the one hand and acquiring Linbox on the other hand.
Consolidated results for the first quarter of 2006/2007 (Oct 2006-Dec 2006) and status of the Linbox acquisition.
August 4th - 2006
Consolidated results for the 9 months period of FY 2005/2006
May 12th - 2006
Consolidated results for the first half year of 2005/2006 (Oct 2005-March 2006)
March 07th - 2006
Consolidated results for the first quarter of 2005/2006 (Oct 2005-Dec 2005)
May 17th - 2005
First half year financial results 2004/2005 (October - March 2005)
February 17th - 2005
First quarter financial results 2004/2005 (October - December 2004)
December 22th - 2004
Mandriva raises 3.05 million euros, negotiates debt retirement
July 27th - 2004
39% Increase in Revenues for the Third Fiscal Quarter (May 2004 – June 2004)
July 8th - 2004
Mandriva First Half year 2003/2004 audited net result increased by 511K€
April 22nd - 2004
First half year financial results 2003/2004 (October - March 2004)
March 5th - 2004
Chapter 11 like exit plan filed - stock trading to resume on march 8, 2004
January 22nd - 2004
First quarter financial results 2003/2004 (October - December 2003)
October 17th - 2002
Consolidated revenues 2001/2002: Substantial Revenue Growth + 28%
April 25th - 2002
2nd Quarter (January - March 2002) Turnover : +155% to Eur 0.97 Million