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EDOS - Environment for the Development and Distribution of Open-Source Software

EDOS is creating a new generation of methodologies, theoretical models, quality models and testing framework specifically tailored to open-source software (OSS) engineering and to P2P distribution of code and binaries over the Internet.

Web site

EDOS Project web site


EDOS proposes innovative solutions for dealing with three key processes at stake in the production of a Linux distribution: (i) software dependency management, (ii) automated and manual testing, (iii) code and binaries distribution over the Internet. The expected benefit is a dramatic increase of the engineering productivity of Linux editors.


The EDOS Project team is made up of the following partners, which come from a broad spectrum of horizons, from industry to academia.


Contact person

Paris 7 University - UMR CNRS

Roberto Di Cosmo


Stephane Lauriere


Serge Abiteboul, Xavier Leroy

Caixa Magica

Paulo Trezentos

CSP Torino

Eleonora Panto

Geneva University

Ciaran Bryce


Jean-Paul Smets


Stefane Fermigier

Tel-Aviv University

Tova Milo

Zurich University

Klaus Dittrich