Vincent Panel: yoho
Firefox 3 est dans Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring depuis la sortie officielle de la version 3 du célèbre navigateur (hier), mais il est un peu caché. La raison est que le paquetage n’a pas encore été suffisamment testé et surtout, il comporte encore quelques limitations par rapport au paquetage de Firefox 2. Ce dernier est d’ailleurs supporté au niveau sécurité par Mandriva et Mozilla, donc pas de panique : basculer vers firefox 3 n’est absolument pas nécessaire pour être prémuni contre les dernières failles (comme le précise Béranger (en anglais)).
Pour revenir aux limitations du paquetage, j’en ai relevé 3 :
* Le paquetage Firefox 3 pour Mandriva n’est disponible qu’en anglais
* L’intégration des deux thèmes “la ora” pour Gnome et KDE avec Firefox n’est pas faîte : le thème firefox par défaut sera utilisé
* Un petit bug dans “la ora” (ou dans Firefox ?) affichera des lignes bleues dans chaque champ texte
Mandriva est assez réticente à passer à Firefox 3 et ce n’est vraisemblablement pas la priorité pour la sortie de Mandriva Linux 2009.0. Il faut dire aussi que Mozilla ne rend pas la tâche très aisée aux distributions quelles qu’elles soient (je ne m’étendrais pas ici sur le sujet, je ferais peut-être un post là-dessus).
Bon, néanmoins, la bonne nouvelle c’est que ce paquetage installera firefox 3 à côté de firefox 2 et vous pourrez toujours utiliser les deux navigateurs après installation.
Comment l’installer ?
Suivez les petites captures d’écran qui suivent :
Lancer d’abord le bien connu Centre de contrôle Mandriva :
Puis, sélectionnez “Configurez les sources…” et cochez la première case à côté de “Main Testing” pour activer la source.
Ensuite, sélectionner dans le menu “Fichier“, l’entrée “Mettre à jour“. Sur l’écran qui apparaît, sélectionner la source “Main Testing” pour télécharger la source pour la première fois.
Une fois la source téléchargée, elle est désormais partie intégrante de votre distribution : il suffit d’utiliser “urpmi” ou le gestionnaire de paquetages “drakrpm” (qu’on trouve aussi dans le centre de contrôle) puis de rechercher “firefox” : vous verrez “firefox” en version “3” s’afficher dans les résultats de recherche. Cocher ensuite la case juste à côté pour l’installer (vous aurez alors un message d’avertissement sur les dépendances qui seront automatiquement installées), ce qui vous permet aussi de voir que l’ensemble occupera 28MB sur votre disque :
Enfin, cliquer sur la case “Appliquer“. Le téléchargement et l’installation se feront aussitôt.
Voilà, Firefox 3 est installé ! Vous trouverez l’entrée de menu dans le sous-menu “Internet” (qui détonnera un peu du reste puisqu’elle sera en anglais…)
Bon surf !
Austin Acton: Oh, poor Angus. Good luck with that.
MY NAME IS ANGUS CLYBURN,,, FORMERLY OF KLCVI ..i believe it was 1986 i graduated.............
I LIVE IN OTTAWA NOW ... capital of canada
MY TEL # IS 613-680-3912
MY EMAIL AS YOU SEE IS [email protected]
Vincent Danen: Duty Calls
Now that people have let me know where that OpenSSL comic came from, I’ve been looking at more this morning and found one that is utterly priceless and totally reminds me of me. If you have time to kill, I suggest checking the site out but in the meantime, here’s a good one for all us geeks out there:
Vincent Danen: Gmail and not seeing own mailing lists posts
Has anyone encountered this, or more specifically, know how to fix it?
I’m using gmail to host my mail, and accessing it via POP3 (fetchmail->procmail->mutt). When I send mail out, I send it out via gmail’s SMTP server. The problem is that I never see what I wrote. If I send a message to a mailing list, I see replies to it, other messages, etc. but I have yet to actually see the message *I* wrote to the list. I’ve poked around in the gmail settings but don’t see anything relevant. When I was hosting stuff myself, I obviously got my messages so this isn’t a list setting… this is on all the lists I’m on. It’s quite frustrating as I’d like to get a copy back of the messages I send as I often have the (bad) habit of replying to myself.
Has anyone come across this and figured out how to tell gmail to stop doing whatever it’s doing with those messages? It would be ok if they even showed up in my spam folder, but I’m not seeing them at all and it’s now truly starting to bug me.
Vincent Danen: Security holes in other distros
Found another good comic inspired by the Debian OpenSSL issue (no, it will never get too old for me). Forget where I came across this one though… just saw it in my downloads folder as I was doing some cleaning up. It’s quite funny though, because it also pokes at other distros.
Frederic Crozat: Mandriva and EEE PC, 2009.0 specs
Maybe people are not aware of this fact but we, at Mandriva, really love EEE PC. We love them so much that Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring (released on April 9th 2008) is fully compatible with EEE PC 700/701, out of the box (no patch needed), with all features working. And as a bonus, we give you about half an hour more of battery autonomy, compared to the distribution bundled with EEE PC. For EEE PC 900, you need to upgrade kernel and hal-info packages from security / bugfix update media (if you are installing from Mandriva Free or Mandriva Powerpack installer, just accept security updates at the end of install). We haven't got a EEE PC 901 in our hands yet, but we will make sure to fix any incompatibilities found, if any.
Even better : if you have Mandriva Flash 2008 Spring edition (released last week), you can use the new "install from flash key" feature to install Mandriva on your EEE PC (no USB CD/DVD drive nor network install required) and it will work on 700/701/900 EEE PC (no changed needed).
Hint : if you are coming to GUADEC at Istanbul, you should be happy with GUADEC USB key this year ;)
Mandriva Linux 2009
We have just posted technical specifications for Mandriva 2009.0 (scheduled for early October), based on both internal and community feedbacks. Now, we just need to implement as much as possible of them ;)
Pascal Terjan: Photos dans un musée
J'ai eu la bonne surprise d'apprendre d'une gardienne au centre Pompidou que les photos étaient autorisées et j'en ai donc pris quelques unes. Un certain nombre sont des photos d'oeuvres (et juste de l'oeuvre) donc je suppose que leur utilisation poserait problème.
Le cas plus intéressant, c'est les photos de salles du musée ou d'interactions entre les gens et l'oeuvre. Prenons par exemple les 2 photos suivantes.
Du point de vue du droit d'auteur, je pense que la première ne pose pas de problème, la deuxième plus dans la mesure ou c'est à mes yeux une oeuvre dérivée. Dans la mesure ou ces oeuvres appartiennent au musée, le reglement du musée suffit t'il à décider de ce que je peux en faire ?
« Vous pouvez, pour un usage personnel, filmer ou photographier les oeuvres des collections permanentes (niveaux 4 et 5 et Atelier Brancusi), à l'exception des oeuvres signalées par un point rouge, sans flash ni pied.
Les prises de vues, films et enregistrements sonores à vocation professionnelle sont interdits dans les espaces du Musée, d'expositions et spectacles, à l'exception de ceux qui auront fait l'objet d'une autorisation écrite du Président ou des agents habilités par lui ; il en va de même pour les installations ou équipements techniques du bâtiment. »
J'ai donc pour un usage personnel fait des photos, et il ne s'agit pas de "prises de vues à vocation professionnelle". Si je les met en ligne avec mes autres photos, avec une licence libre comme je le fais toujours, ça sort de ce cadre ?
La prise de vue a été faite dans un but non professionnel, mais je n'interdit pas à quelqu'un de faire une utilisation commerciale de mes photos. Est-ce interdit ?
Vincent Danen: Realize the flexibility of OpenSSH
The last TechMail is Realize the flexibility of OpenSSH which talks about some of the basics of using OpenSSH, from setting up keys to modifying sshd_config for user/group access controls and different features per group/user. OpenSSH is another of my favourite tools. Of course, there’s also the linsec wiki page Optimizing OpenSSH that goes into a lot more depth about using OpenSSH. It does, however, need to be updated to note the many new features recent OpenSSH versions provide.
Vincent Danen: Delegate privileges to users with sudo
Last week’s TechMail is about one of my favourite programs, sudo: Delegate privileges to users with sudo. It’s just a short primer on how to use sudo so for those that do know how to use it and manage /etc/sudoers, it’s nothing special, but for those who don’t, it’s a good start. Alternatively, you can also look at the wiki article Using Sudo to Limit Access which is quite a few years old, but I think it’s still pretty much up-to-date, minus missing some new feature stuff perhaps.
Stéphane Téletchéa: Mastering Mandriva Rescue mode
Oops! I did it again ... You know the story, it is late, you are starting something you are not familiar with (to say the least), and of course, that fails.
This article will help you in using the Mandriva rescue mode to get the situation back to normal...
Most of the time, when you can go to a console and have some knowledge (or a friend to mail to), you can easily roll back from a bad situation. However, in cases where you can even not boot to your system, you are stuck. In fact, not completely, the rescue mode is there for you!
Entering the rescue mode- Boot the installation CD/DVD and select “rescue mode”
- select “go to console”
- For loading some modules (like for instance the modules needed by a RAID instalation), type:
modprobe dm-mirror
modprobe ahci
dmraid -a y
Run dmesg, it should display at the end a message concerning your partitions.
Examining if the hardware is correctly handledRun lsparts, it should now correctly display your partitions ...
- Type mount /dev/sdXY /mnt, here X is the drive letter (should be a), and Y is the partition number (probably 1)
- cd into the partition and copy the appropriate file to a floppy or USB key (you may also need to mount them manually using mount).
Creation of the initrd has already been detailed in this article.
If you need to install a new kernel, before going to the rescue mode, put on an USB stick the desired RPMs (at least kernel-desktop, kernel-desktop-devel).
Create a /mnt/usb directorymkdir /mnt/usb and mount the USB stick mount /dev/usb/... /mnt/usb
Copy the files to the temporary directory: cp /mnt/usb/kernel* /tmp
Enter in a virtual system (the one where your installation lies):mkdir /mnt/disk ; mount /dev/sdX /mnt/disk; chroot /mnt/disk; mount /proc; mount /boot (optionally)
Install the new kernel: urpmi kernel-desktop kernel-desktop-devel. This step should create a correct initrd and a new bootloader entry.
Exit from the virtual system:umount /boot; umount /proc; exit
Reboot and select the new entry.
If that failsIf that fails, redo the procedure, and specify explicitly the kernel module missing. For instance for a RAID5 system on Mandriva 2008 Spring (where only the -tmb kernel includes the needed RAID5 modules), you will need on your USB key the rpms:
After entering the rescue mode and the chroot virtual system, just type:
mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-kernel-tmb-desktop- --with dm-raid4-5 kernel-tmb-desktop-
And reboot to the new entry.
You should now be able to boot correctly on your system!
Luis Menina: Windows, Linux, thoughts
Almost 5 years have passed since I erased my Microsoft Windows partitions to switch to Mandriva Linux (Mandrakelinux 9.1 at that time). And I never regretted it. However, I try to keep myself informed of what happens in the Windows world, just to be able to help relatives when they're in trouble. So I keep an eye of all the stuff I don't use on Linux: anti-spywares, anti-adwares, anti-viruses, anti-everything.
Yesterday, I had a Windows box to cure. Randomly, some Internet Explorer windows would pop up, and bring the whole machine down to its knees, eating a few hundred megabytes of memory, and causing lots of swapping. I could download Firefox, then killed all the iexplore.exe processes, and was able to browse the web to find a new antivirus and antispyware to see what was going on. Using Firefox, no ads appeared.
All this made me remember why Windows is a nightmare to maintain.
Here's what I was painfully reminded:
Finding what is wrong is extremely time consuming. If you're not the person who installed the program, you have no way to know from what the "add/remove programs" tells you, what a program really does. No description. No file list. Nothing. So you can't just uninstall everything that has a name you don't know/like. You're then left to hours and hours of scanning, in the hope that you chose the right tools, and that they will detect the annoying software that causes the problem. Well in fact, it didn't happen. Neither the antispyware not the antivirus could catch it.
What was utterly annoying, was the fact that I left the computer on the whole night to let the antivirus perform a complete scan, but that this piece of sh*t just stopped at 35% to show a popup asking me what it should do with the virus it had found (in a quarantine zone of an older antivirus). I really would have preferred it had scrolled the whole disk and asked me afterwards, or that it had taken a temporary decision for me just to ask me all the questions at the very end. But no. You have to stay if from of the antivirus, or come regularly during the 4 hours it will scan the 146GB of data stored on the disk. Nice.
So, after a few hours of scanning the hard drive, I got sick of that and stopped the scans. Looking at the name on the popup's title bar, I could find a clue to determine from the configuration panel what was the name of the annoying crapware. That was an MSN Messenger addon. Uninstalling it, everything went fine again. Well, excepting the normal Windows "rot" problem. Having to wait for so long to just have my computer started would make me mad. That makes me think that for 90% of normal Windows users, Linux would indeed start quickly enough. A freshly installed Windows box boots faster, but after 2 months of installing/uninstalling software, Linux wins hands up.
Sometimes, I think of what the Linux distros landscape would be if it reached a critical mass, like 20% of the desktop world. Will those threats shatter my tranquility again ? People using a computer just install every software they can find, and Linux won't change that I think. So even if using only Free Software protects me, third party vendors will start distributing crapware to inexperimented users, and all this will start over again...
For the moment, I enjoy just being a dumb user that just wants something that works. And Linux distros are currently good at that, even if I think they're still too focused on what in new instead of what is bug-free. But overall, these last 5 years have been a much funnier experience using Free Software. Software that you use, and make you feel that there's real people behind it. And that they care about you. The biggest difference I see between these two worlds now is that in the Windows/proprietary world, by default, you can't trust that new software you haven't heard about before. In the Linux/Free Software world, by default, you trust it, because having the source, even if you don't read it, is a mark of trust. Hope this will never change.
Fabrice Facorat: Nuit du Hack 2008
Je reviens de la Nuit du Hack 2008, et vraiment ce fut un très bon moment. J'ai eu l'occasion de rencontrer plein de personnes vraiment très sympathique :) Je voulais remercier Corbier, Freeman, et GodMaster pour m'avoir invité et fait venir :) Les photos sont désormais en lignes sur mon Album photo
14-06-2008 : Nuit du HackFrederik Himpe: KDE 4.0.82 beta testing report
This week-end I upgraded my KDE 4 test installation to KDE 4.0.82, which is now included in Mandriva Cooker. Time to follow up on the bugs I reported last week and to take a deeper look at Plasma, the new desktop concept introduced in KDE 4.
PlasmaThe good news is that the Folder View widget, which is used to display desktop icons, has been fixed so that right clicking on a file now gives a meaningful menu. So finally you can easily trash or rename icons in the folder view widget or execute other common actions for normal files.
However, the more I use KDE 4, the more problems I see with this whole Plasma thing. Especially the Folder View widget is problematic, not only because of bugs, but especially because the whole thing works rather counterintuitively.
In other desktops (including KDE 3.5, GNOME and XFCE), icons can be placed on the whole desktop surface and those files and application launchers are saved in the ~/Desktop directory. KDE 4 takes a radically different approach. All items on the desktop are Plasma widgets. Plasma widgets can be small applications (like an RSS readers or a clock) but also file and application launchers and they do not correspond with a file in ~/Desktop. To circumvent this limitation, the folder view widget was created. It's actually a widget which shows all the files in a certain directory. By default, a folder view widget showing the contents of the directory ~/Desktop is added to the desktop. This creates a highly confusing situation:
- Because the contents of ~/Desktop is not shown over the whole desktop but only in a widget, files in ~/Desktop can only be shown on a limited area on the desktop.
- All widgets get some sort of transparent overlay over the desktop wallpaper. In my opinion, this looks ugly. It creates unnecessary complication, while it is not aesthetically pleasing to my eyes, because it ruins the background too much.
- There are now two different ways of creating items on the desktop: either by creating a separate plasma widget which represents a file or application launcher, either by putting the file or application launcher in the the ~/Desktop directory.
Because of this fundamental change and some bugs which worsen the situation, very strange things can happen:
- Moving files or applications to or from the visible desktop folder view widget does not work at all,
- Move a file from KDE's program menu to the desktop, outside of the folder widget. A Plasma widget representing the program is created at the location where you dropped it, however it only shows the "broken" icon. The application name is ellipsized to three letters. At the same time the icon is also added to the folder view widget, so there are now two desktop icons...
- I could drag and drop a Kopete avatar image file to the desktop, so that a Plasma widget was created. There was no way to copy or move this file to another location any more, so I could access it somewhere with my file browser...
- When moving a file to the desktop, in the past this moved the file to ~/Desktop, so you could easily find the file there in all applications. Now the file is not moved anymore, but a Plasma widget linking to that file is created. That means that in applications, you can't find the file anymore in ~/Desktop, although the file is shown on your visible desktop.
Even with the impossibility of dropping files on the folder view widget and the double icons when dropping outside the folder view widget fixed, the two different type of icons on the desktop, will be very confusing for users. At work there are users who are constantly using the desktop for saving files. If there does not come a complete rethinking of the way the desktop is implemented in KDE 4, I am planning on migrating these users to GNOME instead of KDE 4, because this Plasma thing will cause too much support interventions because ueser won't find their documents anymore.
Half of the Plasma widgets are still not working for me. The most widgets, only show a grey area when I drop them on my desktop and I still could not add the Show Desktop widget to the panel.
Changing the size of a Plasma widget neither is very intuitive. You have to click on the resize icon which appears normally at the left upper side of the widget (but this can be the right side too, if your widget is near the left side of the screen!), and then the widget will be expanded or reduced around the centre of the widget. This is of course very annoying if your widget is already near the side of the screen, as this means you'll probably have to move the widget too. I don't understand why the same idiom of resizing and moving application windows was not reused.
Other problemsThere has not been much progress in my bug reports of last week. Most remain unanswered or only have got a "I can't reproduce" answer. Most promising for the moment is the KMail text encoding bug, where I was able to find some more information about the circumstances which trigger this problem. Let's hope this helps in fixing the problem soon now. The slowliness of KMail's message list is getting more and more annoying too. Actually already in folders with only a few hundreds message, the slowliness is noticeable. Speaking about slowliness, Konqueror's KHTML web browsers also feels very sluggish today, compared to Firefox 2 and 3. Scrolling with the mouse scroll wheel often feels sluggish, as does the loading and rendering of complex pages. Konqueror's KHTML on my Athlon 64 3500+ feels much slower than Epiphany/Webkit on my old PowerPC G4 laptop. It's unfortunate that GTK+ and QT/KDE Webkit are still not really ready for production use.
List of today's new KDE bugs:
- Moving application launcher from kickoff menu to desktop creates duplicate entry of which one icon is broken
- KDE should automatically mount all removable media at logon or when plugging in
- Kopete: Adds user to "Not in contact list" for MSN account without any chat being initiated
- Kopete: Crash when authorizing XMPP/Jabber contact
- Kickoff menu: impossible to change order in Favourites tab
- KMail: Accept certificate forever does not work
Nicolas Lécureuil: Medintux dans Mandriva
Connaissant maintenant le domaine médical concernant la télétransmission, je me suis penché sur Medintux et je me suis rendu compte que nous n’avions aucun logiciel de MedinTux. D’ici 1-2 semaine lorsque je vais revenir à la contribution ( oui ça me manque dèjà énormement ), je vais corriger cette énorme erreur et ajouter certain de ces projets dans Mandriva.
Le projet retenant le plus mon attention est QFSEVitale, en effet il n’existe aucun ( que je sache ) logiciel de télétransmission sur GNU/Linux. Selon la licence et sa date de sortie, je serais aussi très interessé pour l’avoir dans mandriva ( soit contrib soit non-free ).
Frederic Crozat: Guadec, Gstreamer, Sigur Ros
\o/ flights and hotel for GUADEC are booked. For people who planned to go Golden Horn hotels recommended by GUADEC organisation, I suggest using Go Voyages (or Go Volo in english) to book : their price is even lower than GUADEC group rate. And you can even use some coupons to lower the bill ( Thanks to Wikio ).
I really like being able to use gstreamer to do simple file conversion ; for instance, if you want to convert a FLV file (containing a mp3 stream) to a mp3 file, just run :
gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location="file.flv" ! flvdemux ! filesink location="file.mp3"
Sigur Ros
Sigur Ros next album will be released on June 23. In the mean time, you can download the first track of the album, see the clip for the first track (quite nice), listen to the full album in stream (too bad, it is in flash) and you can pre-order the album either in a physical copy or a digital copy, with no DRM (MP3, 320Kbps), for a reasonable price.. I like intelligent marketing like this.
Fabrice Facorat: Some Cooker news as of 2008-06-08
Ok, here are some quick news from Cooker :
- Banshee 1.0 is available. This is the banshee-1 package.
- On users requests, wallpapoz have been packaged. WHat's interesting with wallpapoz is the fact that you have a large panel of options to configure the wallpaper of the GNOME desktop, notably the ability to define a wallpaper for each virtual desktop :)
- Google Gadgets for Linux have been packaged too
- SSL support in KDE 3 Kopete version have been fixed in the new QCA package
- Oxygen theme support for Firefox have been packaged as mozilla-firefox-theme-oxygen
- Latests xservers snapshots are upload in Cooker by Paulo Andrade. Indeed, for people doing upstream Xorg dev, they can use the snapshots packagesdone by Paulo, which are extracted directly from git. For those willing to test them, they should look at the packages ending with -snapshot. Maybe in the future a task-x11-snapshot will be created to ease their installation.
- KDE 4.0.81 is in Cooker since at least 1 week. Don't forget to report bugs upstream for features/fixes/crashers, and at Mandriva bugzilla for the others ones, like the packaging or the desktop integration ones. KDE 4.0.4 is available in 2008.1/contrib/backports for 2008.1 users.
- Firefox 3.0 RC2 is available in main/testing
- Cooker is now using kernel 2.6.26-rc4-git5 ( kernel-2.6.26-0.rc4.2mnb2 ). Nvidia drivers have been updated to support this new kernel.
- There will have some changes concerning post-rpm installation shared libraries linking
- Since May, Mandriva have switched to TCB ( from OpenWall ) to store password instead of the old shadow. Presently, the compatibility mode is used, but users can easily switch to full TCB database and blowfish encryption. In the future, it may be possible to switch from shadow compatibility mode to full TCB mode by using MSEC/draksec.
- Olivier Blin is on fire and have add many new features and bugfixes to Mandriva network tools, notably concerning 3G connections. Memory optimisation of net_applet have been done, and LXDE support have been added. Look at drakx-net-0.35-1mdv2009.0 changelog for more informations.
Fabrice Facorat: Je sors la tête hors de l'eau un instant
Oui, bon, cela fait longtemps que l'on ne pas pas trop vue. En effet dernièrement j'ai été super occupé, et ce n'est pas fini. Pas mal de changement en ce moment dans am vie : recherche d'un nouvel appartement et déménagement à venir, acquisition d'une voiture, articles à écrire pour divers magazines : un emploi du temps de ministre ;)
En ce moment je commence un peu à émerger, mais ce sera bientôt partie encore pour un tour. Il me reste encore 2 articles en anglais pour Linux Identity Kit concernant la Mandriva 2008 Spring, et du 09/06/2008 au 11/06/2008, je donne pendant 3 jours un cours à des MCSA ( Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator ) un cours sur Linux et la sécurité : vous imaginez le challenge ! Bien sûr ma distribution Linux de référence reste ... la Mandriva ;-)
Ensuite je vais me ressourcer le 14 avec d'autres geeks à la nuit du Hack 2008
Sinon j'en ai profité pour mettre en ligne les photos des 24H motonautiques à Rouen qui se sont déroulées en 2007. Je n'ai aps fait de photos cette année, et je tenais à ce que l'on puisse découvrir cette épreuve. Pleins de photos prévues cette été avec notamment l'Armada de Rouen 2008 et un programme de concerts gratuits de folie ( Calie, Iggy Pop, Bashung, Hugues Aufray, Tiken Jah Fakoly, Gilberto Gil ) !
30-04-2007 : 24H motonautiqueFabrice Facorat: Je sors la tête hors de l'eau un instant
Oui, bon, cela fait longtemps que l'on ne pas pas trop vue. En effet dernièrement j'ai été super occupé, et ce n'est pas fini. Pas mal de changement en ce moment dans am vie : recherche d'un nouvel appartement et déménagement à venir, acquisition d'une voiture, articles à écrire pour divers magazines : un emploi du temps de ministre ;)
En ce moment je commence un peu à émerger, mais ce sera bientôt partie encore pour un tour. Il me reste encore 2 articles en anglais pour Linux Identity Kit concernant la Mandriva 2008 Spring, et du 09/06/2008 au 11/06/2008, je donne pendant 3 jours un cours à des MCSA ( Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator ) un cours sur Linux et la sécurité : vous imaginez le challenge ! Bien sûr ma distribution Linux de référence reste ... la Mandriva ;-)
Ensuite je vais me ressourcer le 14 avec d'autres geeks à la nuit du Hack 2008
Sinon j'en ai profité pour mettre en ligne les photos des 24H motonautiques à Rouen qui se sont déroulées en 2007. Je n'ai aps fait de photos cette année, et je tenais à ce que l'on puisse découvrir cette épreuve. Pleins de photos prévues cette été avec notamment l'Armada de Rouen 2008 et un programme de concerts gratuits de folie ( Calie, Iggy Pop, Bashung, Hugues Aufray, Tiken Jah Fakoly, Gilberto Gil ) !
30-04-2007 : 24H motonautique