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Mandriva's Involvement in the Free Software community

Mandriva was born of the community and has always supported the community whose many contributions continue to help grow and enhance our company's software products. We believe that it benefits everyone to have a well informed and united community. In this section, we provide resources to help you know the Open Source community and hopefully contribute to it, either by sharing your knowledge & resources or just by staying current with the latest news.

Mandriva Community Actions

Find out more about Mandriva's involvement in the GNU/Linux community.

Mandriva Support for Free Software Projects and Organizations

Mandriva supports the following projects:

Contribute to Mandriva Open Source Products

  • Find out about the latest Mandriva Linux distribution news and other GNU/Linux-related news and/or contribute to Mandriva open-source products on the How-To contribute page.

  • If you are a happy Mandriva user and would like to make some donations to an Open Source project supported by Mandriva, please visit the Mandriva Club.