Mandriva Linux general Features
Mandriva Linux can be downloaded and purchased as a pack or DVD.
Mandriva Linux is an easy to use operating system which provides unparalleled hardware support together with extended integration of latest technologies such as Bluetooth and WIFI. Other key features include KDE and GNOME graphical desktops, enhanced laptop support. Users keen on all things "Advanced" need not look any further.
The ideal complement to any Mandriva Linux product is a membership to Mandriva Club which offers a wide range of benefits including access to more than 60,000 applications that run on Mandriva Linux, plus a wide assortment of privileges, including the download of commercial Mandriva Linux ISO images for Silver members and above. Subscribing to the Mandriva Club is also the best way to support Mandrivalinux development. |
Mandriva Linux 10.1: System overview
Mandriva Linux 10.1 features the following major softwares:
Linux Kernel 2.6.8 (and various fixes from 2.6.9rc)
Xorg 6.7.0
KDE 3.2.3
Glibc 2.3.3, GCC 3.4.1
Apache 2.0.50, PHP 4.3.8
MySQL 4.0.18, Samba 3.0.6
Mozilla 1.7.2, GIMP 2.0.4
- 1.1.3
Mandriva Linux features are also detailed on these pages. Order now!
Mandriva Linux General Features...
A mostly automated installation procedure On the desktop: Mandrivagalaxy II, and MagicDev Improved configuration, extended hardware support All the best Office & Internet applications |