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How to trade Mandriva stock

This page provides information on how to trade Mandriva securities on the U.S. OTC market and the European Euronext Marche Libre, the two markets in which Mandrivasoft is listed. The main market is Euronext. If you cannot trade on Euronext, you may use the US OTC market, or use direct trading.

You can view the latest quotation of Mandriva stock on Euronext or Yahoo!. This is the Euronext market quotation which is the main market.

The name of the company is still "Mandrakesoft" (not "Mandriva"). The code are
Euronext: ISIN: FR0004159382, Mnemo: MLMAN, Reuters: MAKE.PA, Bloomberg: MLMAN:FP,

Note: please read the Legal Warning before trading Mandriva stock.


European Euronext's Marche Libre

This is the main market for trading Mandriva's stock. It sets the stock price and provides good exchange volumes.

The name of the company is still "Mandrakesoft" (not "Mandriva"). The code are Euronext: ISIN: FR0004159382, Mnemo: MLMAN, Reuters: MAKE.PA, Bloomberg: MLMAN:FP.

Note : The price is set each day at 3 pm Paris time (9 am New York time) so if an order is placed after 3 PM, you need to make sure that it is valid for the next price fixing (i.e. the following day(s)). In other words, after 3 PM Paris Time, be cautious of the order duration that is stipulated. To learn more about duration of orders, please read the dedicated paragraph on this same page.
Furthermore, if the proposed prices do not match, or if there is a difference of plus or minus 10% of the previous day's quotation, the system will not execute the order so it is important to confirm that an order has been completed.

More information about trading on Euronext (types of orders, duration...) is available at this page.

US OTC Market

OTC (Over-The-Counter) is a negotiated market between brokers which takes place outside of the regulated exchange. It provides an easier access if you live in Northern-America (USA and Canada). Anyway, it's not as convenient as Euronext because the US OTC market maker purchases Mandriva stock on Euronext and then provides a Mandrivasoft's "MDKFF" stock on the OTC market. This stock doesn't provide Mandriva voting rights.
The ticker symbol for Mandriva is MDKFF, CUSIP: F59704100. To place an order, please check with your local broker or with an online broker such as Ameritrade and E*Trade. You may need to ask a human broker to contact directly Natexis Bleichroeder New York who is a market maker that deals with Mandrivasoft stocks. You should ask your broker to ask the market maker a price quotation before deciding. Usually the price is directly related to Euronext price.

Note : Since Mandriva is not very liquid on this market experience temporary difficulties while executing transactions. Additionally, it is important to place a 'limit price' high enough to make a stockholder interested in selling you the stock and a 'duration period' long enough to have the transaction performed.

Quotes can be accessed at a number of Web sites including Nasdaq.com and Pinksheets.

Direct Trading

If your broker doesn't trade on Euronext nor on the OTC-US, you have another solution, you can purchase shares directly from another shareholder in "Nominatif pur". The main advantage to this option is that you become a direct shareholder of Mandriva without any fee. The disavantage is that you bypass the market. If you do not succeed with the first option and would like to purchase a significant amount of shares, please contact investors at mandrakesoft dot com : we will look for shareholders willing to trade directly with you at Euronext price with this method.