Mandriva Linux Limited Edition 2005 for i586 and x86-64

This is the raw installation tree for Mandriva Linux LE2005. If you are looking for ISO images to burn CDs or a DVD, look in the other section of this page.

Mandriva Linux LE2005 is also available as a DVD set: order now at Mandriva Store. This DVD set (or a Mandriva Club membership) provides and auto-installs many additional software components such as NVIDIA/ATI graphics card drivers, Flash Player, Real Player, Java Runtime Environment, Acrobat Reader and others which aren't included in the download edition.

It's crucial for Mandriva Linux's development that you join the Mandriva Linux Club if you download any version of Mandriva Linux. Club members are entitled to download many additional software and have many other advantages such as an extended list of mirrors and early access to Mandriva Linux new releases. Join the Club today and support the continued development of Mandrivalinux!