PowerPack+ : The Linux solution for Desktops and Servers.

The Linux solution for Desktops and Servers.

PowerPack+ combines the power of PowerPack and a comprehensive set of world-class server applications. Thanks to easy-to-use installation and configuration wizards, PowerPack+ is the ideal product for Small Office / Home Office users.

Enjoy the latest Open Source Software

Linux Kernel 2.6.12, xorg-x11 6.9, Glibc 2.3.5, KDE 3.4, GNOME 2.10, Mozilla FireFox 1.0.6, OpenOffice.org 1.1.5 & 2.0, GCC 4.0, CUPS, URPMI, Samba 3.0.14a, Apache 2.0.54, MySQL 4.1.12, OpenLDAP 2.3, ProFTPd 1.2.10, Shorewall 2.4.1, Postfix 2.2.5, Kolab2, Squid 2.5, Webmin 1.220 and much more!