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Become a Mandriva Certified Linux Training Partner

As a Mandriva Linux Training partner, you will represent a worldclass open source training solution. Backed by both Mandriva and Linux Professional Institute, our quality curriculum and strong partner focus give your business the edge in the rapidly expanding open source marketplace. Our unique 'generic brand' approach allows your center to provide a multipurpose solution not offered by the others.

With a customized program for Training Centers and Universities, begin selling Mandriva Linux Training immediately by registering to become a partner. View our presentation for more details.

Our Support, Your Success

Cutting-edge curriculum
We have a full range of open source courses for every level of expertise and unique generic brand approach to keep up to speed with open source market.

Profitable Courses
We give you the support tools, marketing via Mandriva website, & opportunity for center certification and margin benefits to be successful.

Credibility Mandriva Brand
Establishing authority of superior course offering and allowing competition with other brand backed Linux training programs.

And for Universities...

Mandriva offers a special partnership for Public Universities and Education Institutions wishing to incorporate the Mandriva curriculum into their high tech course offerings. Visit the Universities link for more details or contact Mandriva directly at training mandrakesoft dot com.