Linbox Rescue Server provides these main features :
a Web console to take control over your assets,
Operating Systems backup and restore available for Windows or GNU/Linux. The backup consists in a full image of the hard drive that contains the Operating System, softwares and parameters,
User data backup on hard drives for a quick restore.Data are backed up independently of the Operating System. A compression system make the backup system particularly efficient to reduce disk space,
Complete software and hardware inventory. ; each time a target PC connects to the network, a hardware inventory is made (CPU, boards, RAM, hard drive(s), printers and peripherals, ...). A software inventory is also uploaded to the server (type of software, vendor, ...),
Secure remote control of computers,
Software and updates deployment.
Where can I get more information ?
In order to obtain more detailed information, please contact our sales representative at +33 (0)1 40 41 00 41 or send an email to
Deploy PC from a master
Restore a PC in a few minutes from a network or from a bootable DVD
Handle training rooms
Manage remote locations through the Web console
Restore in a few clics user data