Dear Steve,
Hi, this is François, from Mandriva.
I’m sure we are way too small for you to have heard of us. You know, we are one of these Linux company who is working hard to make its place in the market. We publish a Linux Distro, called Mandriva Linux. Mandriva Linux 2008, our last edition, has a pretty good review and we’re proud of it. You should try it, I’m sure you’d like it. We also happen to be one of the Linux companies that did not sign an agreement with your company (nobody’s perfect).
We recently closed a deal with the Nigerian Government. Maybe you heard about it, Steve. They were looking for an affordable hardware+software solution for their schools. The initial batch was 17,000 machines. We had a good deal to respond to their need: the Classmate PC from Intel, with a customized Mandriva Linux solution. We presented the solution to the local government, they liked the machine, they liked our system, they liked what we offered them, especially the fact that it was open, and that we could customize it for their country and so on.
Then, your people get in the game and the deal got more competitive. I would not say it got dirty, but someone could have said that. Your team fought and fought again the deal, but still the customer was happy with the CMPC and Mandriva.
We actually closed the deal, we took the order, we qualified the software, we got the machine shipped. To conclude, we did our job. And, the machine are being delivered right now.
Now, we hear a different story from the customer : “we shall pay for the Mandriva Software as agreed, but we shall replace it by Windows afterward.”
Wow! I’m impressed, Steve! What have you done to these guys to make them change their mind like this? It’s quite clear to me, and it will be to everyone. How do you call what you just did Steve? There is various names for it, I’m sure you know them.
Of course, I will keep fighting this one and the next one, and the next one. You have the money, the power, and maybe we have a different sense of ethics you and I, but I still believe that hard work, good technology and ethics can win too.
PS: a message to our friends in Nigeria: it’s still time to do the right thing and make the right choice, you will get lots of support for it and excellent services!
Et maintenant, pour les francophones (traduction par Caroline) :
Cher Steve,
Je me présente : François de Mandriva.
Je pense que nous sommes beaucoup trop petit pour que vous ayez, un jour, entendu parler de nous. Souvenez-vous, nous sommes une de ces sociétés Linux qui travaillent dur pour se faire une place sur le marché. Nous éditons une distribution Linux, appelée Mandriva Linux. Mandriva Linux 2008, notre dernière édition, a d’assez bonnes critiques et nous en sommes fiers. Vous devriez l’essayer, je suis sûr que vous l’adoreriez. Nous sommes aussi l’une des sociétés Linux qui n’a pas signé d’accord avec votre compagnie (personne n’est parfait).
Nous avons récemment conclu un marché avec le gouvernement Nigérian. Peut-être en avez-vous entendu parler ? Ils recherchaient une solution logicielle et matérielle abordable pour leurs écoles. La commande initiale était de 17,000 machines. Nous avions une bonne offre qui nous permettait de répondre à leur besoin : le Classmate PC d’INTEL, fourni avec une version adaptée de la solution Mandriva Linux. Nous avions présenté la solution au gouvernement local, ils ont aimé la machine, ils ont aimé notre système, ils ont aimé ce que nous leurs offrions, spécialement l’aspect ouvert et le fait que nous pouvions l’adapter aux besoins de leur pays et même plus.
Puis, votre équipe s’est jointe à la partie et le marché devint plus compétitif. Je ne peux faire de commentaires sur ce point mais certains pourront le faire. Votre équipe s’est battue et se battra encore, mais le client était satisfait du Classmate PC et de Mandriva.
Nous avons conclu le marché, nous avons compris la demande, nous avons qualifié le système et nous l’avons intégré à la machine. Pour conclure, nous avons fait notre travail. Et la machine est désormais livrable.
Maintenant, nous entendons différentes histoires de notre client : « nous allons payer pour les logiciels Mandriva comme prévu dans nos accords, mais ce dernier sera remplacé par Windows. »
Je suis impressionné, Steve ! Qu’avez-vous fait à ces personnes pour les faire changer d’avis ? C’est clair pour moi, et ça le sera pour tous. Comment appelez-vous ce que vous venez de faire ? Il y a plusieurs noms pour cela, je suis sûr que vous les connaissez bien.
Bien entendu, je continuerai à me battre cette fois et la prochaine et encore la prochaine. Vous avez l’argent, le pouvoir et peut être avons nous des définitions différentes de l’éthique. Je reste persuadé que le travail, les bonnes technologies et l’ethique peuvent aussi gagner.
PS: message à nos amis du Nigéria : il n’est pas trop tard pour faire le bon choix, vous aurez beaucoup de soutien pour cela et des services excellents !
Mandriva today announced that the Nigerian government has selected Intel-powered classmate PCs running on Mandriva Linux for educational use in nationwide pilot in Nigeria. Mandriva is working with Intel Corporation and Technology Support Center Ltd. to provide 17,000 Intel-powered classmate PCs. The aim of this project is to improve the quality of technology delivered to students, and to help teachers and parents.
La première réunion plénière du Groupe Thématique Logiciel Libre du Pôle de Compétitivité (c’est un peu long comme formule, il faudra trouver plus court) s’est très bien passée.
Ça se déroulait dans les locaux du CNAM, dans un immense amphi sonore. Une bonne centaine de participants, universitaires, industriels et associations, sont restés du début à la fin, attentifs et intervenant.
L’équipe de Systematic avait pris en charge l’organisation et tout s’est déroulé impeccablement.
J’ai suivi la session système d’information où Arnaud Laprévote présentait deux projets pour Mandriva. Ont aussi parlé (liste non exhaustive) : Pascal Rawsin de Ieurop, Jean-Noel de Galzain de Wallix, Stéfane Fermigier de Nuxeo, et Jean Paul Smets de Nexedi. Ça s’est terminé un peu trop rapidement (la salle était prise) et on n’a pas eu le temps de débriefer sérieusement.
De la vingtaine de projets esquissés, je pense qu’une dizaine devrait émerger et faire des candidats sérieux pour l’appel d’offre.
Nous sommes ensuite parti Roberto, Dominique Vernay et Laurent Kott de l’INRIA avec l’équipe « comm » du pôle, participer à une conférence de presse, plutôt bien fournie en journalistes. Roberto était très en forme et s’est manifestement beaucoup amusé à expliquer le logiciel libre aux journalistes.
Pour les gens intéressés qui n’ont pas pu participer, il n’est pas trop tard pour prendre le train de cet appel d’offre, mais il démarre.
One of Mandriva’s server bays will be down for scheduled maintenance this Saturday, October the 27th. The following servers will be affected:
* (eTraining)
* (Mandriva Blog)
* (my.mandriva)
* (Club RPMs Farm)
* (Mandriva Expert)
* (Public and subscription BitTorrent tracker)
Some other, less commonly used servers are also affected. This outage is expected to last most of the day (Paris time). We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Votre entreprise, votre labo, votre association s’intéresse au logiciel libre ? le groupe thématique du Pôle de Compétitivité Paris-Région vous intéresse.
Il va tenir sa première réunion plénière mercredi 24 octobre. Un premier appel à projets susceptibles d’être financés par le FUI a lieu, avec une date limite serrée de fin novembre.
En venant à cette réunion, vous pourrez trouver des partenaires pour un tel projet, que vous ayez déjà un projet en gestation ou que vous en cherchiez un à rejoindre. Voir l’annonce ci dessous
Dominique Vernay, Président du Pôle SYSTEM@TIC PARIS-REGION,
Roberto Di Cosmo, Président du Groupe Thématique Logiciel Libre,
François Bancilhon, Vice-Président du Groupe Thématique Logiciel Libre,
ont le plaisir de vous convier à la
Mercredi 24 octobre 2007
14H00 - 18H00 au CNAM
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers,
Amphithéâtre Paul Painlevé
292, rue Saint Martin, PARIS 3ème
(plan d’accès :
La session de Workshops sera l’occasion pour les partenaires du nouveau Groupe Thématique de faire émerger des propositions de projets pour le 5ème Appel à projets du Fonds Unique Interministériel (FUI), clos le 30 novembre 2007.
Ordre du jour de la réunion
14h00 - 15h30 Session plénière,
* Accueil et introduction par Dominique Vernay et Roberto Di Cosmo
* Point d’information sur le Pôle de Compétitivité SYSTEM@TIC PARIS-REGION
* Point d’information sur le Groupe Thématique Logiciel Libre
- l’organisation
- la coordination avec les autres Groupes Thématiques
- les 3 axes prioritaires pour les projets
* Point d’information sur le 5ème appel à projets du FUI
* Questions diverses
15h30 - 16h00 Pause
16h00 - 18h00 Workshops d’émergence de projets pour le 5ème appel à projets
(salles 11.A2.31, 11.A2.32 et 11.A3.34)
* Session Technologies et outils pour le développement en Logiciel Libre
* Session Systèmes d’Information
* Session Technologies d’infrastructure logicielle libre
Nous vous remercions de nous indiquer le workshop auquel vous souhaitez participer.
Par ailleurs, afin de faciliter votre intégration dans ce nouveau Groupe
Thématique, nous vous remercions de vous inscrire auprès de Marie-Lyne Payet
Je suis régulièrement interrogé par nos grands clients et nos prospects sur la nature de la licence des produits développés par Mandriva. C’est pourquoi il me semble important de réaffirmer nos principes et prises de position le plus clairement possible.
Pour les clients professionnels, nous offrons une gamme composée de quatre produits complémentaires, qui permettent de couvrir les besoins d’infrastructure informatique du secteur public et des entreprises :
Tous les produits que Mandriva développe et distribue sont diffusés sous Licence GPL. Par ailleurs, un site communautaire dédié est prévu pour chacune des solutions de gestion des infrastructures : le site du Mandriva Directory Server est d’ores et déjà accessible sur et le site communautaire de Pulse 2 sera en place rapidement.
Bien entendu, il nous arrive aussi d’inclure des logiciels propriétaires : par exemple des pilotes propriétaires nécessaires pour faire fonctionner tel ou tel matériel, ou des logiciels multimédia tel Fluendo ou LinDVD que l’on retrouve dans les produits commerciaux grand public.
The GNOME version of Mandriva Linux 2008 One has been released and is now available via BitTorrent or from the mirror sites. Featuring all the same great new features as the other editions of Mandriva Linux 2008, with a fully up-to-date GNOME 2.20 desktop. Hope this makes all our GNOME-using members happy!
A final message on the NOKEY issue: all mirrors in the official list are now okay with the sole exception of Any other mirror proposed by the Mandriva repository configuration tools should now be okay. As mentioned in the previous message, if you have already set up your repositories and are encountering the NOKEY issue, you will need to either run urpmi.update -a --force-key as root or remove and re-add your repositories to stop the errors from showing up in future. Once again, we’re sorry for this inconvenience.
Another site is running a favorite distribution poll - LinuxLookup. They’re also looking for donations to buy a new server machine. It’s a good site, so if you can chip in a bit of money we’re sure it’d be appreciated!
Following up the previous post on this topic, the issue with missing pubkey files leading to NOKEY errors is now resolved on the majority of mirror servers. The following servers from the list used by the Mandriva tools have been tested and found to be GOOD:
The following servers have been tested and found to be BAD:
The following servers could not be tested as they were full:
If you are using one of the servers listed as GOOD, you may be able to resolve the problem by running this command:
urpmi.update --force-key
If you are using one of the servers listed as BAD, or if the --force-key command does not work to resolve the problem, you can resolve the problem by removing your repositories and re-adding them using one of the servers listed as GOOD.
Tomorrow we will test all servers again, and remove those that have still not properly synchronized the fix from the official server list.
Again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue.
This is for anyone getting NOKEY errors trying to install packages from the online repositories for Mandriva Linux 2008.
The problem was that the pubkey files, which contain the keys used to sign packages in each repository, were missing from the media_info directories in the 2008 tree, so when it was adding the repositories, Mandriva could not get the key for each repository. Since the repository seemed to have no key associated with it, but the packages were signed, when you tried to install any package, Mandriva would give you the NOKEY warning.
This has been fixed on our master mirror around two hours before this post. I have checked several mirrors and found that at the time of writing this post, a couple of mirrors have synced up with the fix already, but most have not.
Once all the mirrors sync up with the fix, the problem will not occur again for anyone adding repositories. However, if you have already set up your repositories, the problem will not be fixed automatically. You must remove your repositories using the repository configuration tool, which can be found in the Mandriva Control Center, or the urpmi.removemedia command line tool. You can then set the repositories up again (using the repository configuration tool, or urpmi.addmedia) and you should no longer see the errors.
I will post a follow-up message when my checks indicate that most mirrors are synced up with the fix.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience.
We’re proud to announce that Mandriva Linux 2008 is now available for download on the official site, and on the network of public mirror servers.
The result of six months of heavy development and testing, 2008 includes all the latest software and many enhancements over previous Mandriva Linux releases. You will find KDE 3.5.7 and the new GNOME 2.20 already integrated, a solid kernel with fair scheduling support, 2.2.1, cutting-edge 3D-accelerated desktop courtesy of Compiz Fusion 0.5.2, Mozilla Firefox, and everything else you’ve come to expect from the latest Mandriva Linux release. We have integrated a reworked hardware detection sub-system, with support for a lot of new devices (particularly graphics cards, sound cards and wireless chips). Also, the addition of new features and ongoing improvements to the renowned Mandriva tools continues, including a wizard to import Windows documents and settings, the new network configuration center, and improvements to the Mandriva software management tools.
You can read about the most exciting new features of Mandriva Linux 2008 in depth in the Release Tour. The Release Notes contain important information on changes from previous releases. The Errata will contain information on any future known issues and solutions for them.
Mandriva Linux 2008 was developed by the Mandriva development community, based around the Cooker development distribution. This open, community-driven development system has been in place since 1998, making it one of the longest-standing open source development communities around. The involvement of the Mandriva development community helps us to make Mandriva Linux one of the largest, most up-to-date, integrated, internationalized and standardized distributions available, for which we thank our contributors greatly. We’re proud of the standardization efforts included in Mandriva Linux 2008, including support for the XDG menu, user directories and icon theme specifications.
Mandriva Linux 2008 is available for download free of charge at the Mandriva website. The One installation CD is the recommended download with everything you need to start using Mandriva Linux 2008: it comes with a full KDE desktop and application suite, NVIDIA and ATI proprietary video card drivers, Intel wireless firmware, Adobe Flash and Sun Java browser plugins, all included.
Enjoy your brand new Mandriva Linux 2008 system!
Well, I just found out about another site running a ‘what’s your distribution’ poll - ReviewLinux. You know what to do!
For those of you who are impatient to get started with Mandriva Linux 2008, good news: the Free and Powerpack ISOs are finalized and are being made available to the early seeders program right now. We need a few days for the early seeders to get downloaded and set up to seed, so the official public release will happen at the start of next week. Watch this space! The One ISO is taking a little longer to complete, but will be available for the official release at the same time as the others.
Et maintenant, pour les francophones (traduction par Damien) :
Bien, je viens juste de découvrir un autre site proposant un sondage sur le thème “Quelle distribution utilisez vous ?“. Vous savez que faire !
Pour ceux d’entre vous impatients de plonger dans l’univers de Mandriva Linux 2008, voici de bonne nouvelles : la Free et la Powerpack sont terminées ; en effet les ISOs sont validées et mises à disposition pour le programme “early seeders”. Il suffit de quelques jours pour que les “seeders” téléchargent les ISOs et soient prêts à commencer la diffusion, l’ouverture des téléchargements publiques se fera donc en début de semaine. Surveillez le blog pour en être informés ! La One nécessite encore quelques tests afin d’obtenir sa validation finale mais sera disponible en même temps que les autres ISOs, lors de l’annonce officielle de Mandriva Linux 2008.
Mandriva Linux 2008 RC2 ‘Kepler’ was released today. New features since the release of RC1 include the final release of GNOME 2.20, the inclusion of the new 8.41.7 version of ATI’s proprietary driver in the non-free repository to support Radeon HD cards, significant kernel updates that improve support for certain ATA controllers and many audio chipsets, some new features in the urpmi and rpmdrake package management tools, and over 500 bug fixes since RC1. Download information and more is available on the full release information page here, the overall Mandriva Linux 2008 release notes are here, and a guide to the new features of Mandriva Linux 2008 is here.
Mandriva today announced the signing of a partnership deal with the government of Angola, which will see Mandriva providing software, training and consultancy services to help the country overhaul its entire IT infrastructure. This is a big and exciting project for us and we’re happy to see it finalized. You can read more about the deal in the press release.
Last Saturday I participated in Mozilla24 a cyber and physical event organized by the Mozilla foundation. The overall event took place in France, Japan, Thailand and the US. The panel discussion I was in was only (I assume for time zone reasons) in France, Japan and Thailand.
In France, it was held at ENST (a Telecommunication Engineering School in Paris), in a rather ugly auditorium (like most auditoriums of French engineering schools). It seemed from the pictures on the screen that they had found similarly ugly places in Japan and Thailand. Which means the glitter was in the technology rather than in the setting.
The technology was indeed impressive: good and clear communication around the globe, possible interaction between the sites and good quality sound and video. On the other hand, there were lots of people busy pulling wires and frantically typing on keyboards, so I assume there was a lot of work behind the seemingly effortless exercise.
Participants in France were (Charles Schulz), Wikimedia (Pierre Beaudoin), Mozilla Europe (Tristan Nitot) and Mandriva (yours truly).
Tristan was his usual mix of fun, kindness and smart and told us some cute stories on the beginning of Mozilla in France, when life was tough (it is much better now). He had given each presenter a list of questions to answer and to my surprise everyone followed the scenario he had provided.
In my presentation, I explained the three key words which drive our strategy: simple, innovative and open. Simple as in “take technology to the masses by making it simple”, innovative as “include innovations in the distro to take them mainstream” and open as in “open source, free software and open standards”. Then I went to our focus on bringing Linux to emerging markets via OEM relationships, as we are doing today for instance in Brazil and Argentina.
I had a question on fighting Microsoft in emerging markets. This is a good question: we indeed met them recently when they offered $3 licenses to a prospect we were talking to in an emerging market country (more on this soon)! I had another question on the multiplicity of distros: 5 years from now, will there still be many distros? Our vision is we should see convergence on the lower layers of the distro, i.e., the core components and the added value of a specific distro should move up in the software stack.
So it seems Lenovo is running a Linux distribution poll to gauge interest in the various distributions, as a possible precursor to pre-loading one on some of their systems. Mandriva is doing pretty well at the moment, despite being a write-in. We’d love to end up in a strong position in the top group of distributions.
The first release candidate of Mandriva Linux 2008, codenamed Copernic, is now available. The release notes are available here. A guide to major new features (some of which are not yet implemented in this release candidate) is available here, and the detailed technical specifications are available here. This release candidate is available as a three CD or one DVD Free edition (containing no non-free software or drivers) for the x86-32 and x86-64 architectures, with a traditional installer, and as a mini-CD edition for both x86-32 and x86-64 architectures. A One combined live / install CD edition will be released in the near future (problems with unionfs prevented the One edition from being release at the same time as the other editions).
Et maintenant, pour les francophones (traduction par Damien) :
La première release candidate (RC1) de Mandriva Linux 2008, appelée Copernic, est maintenant disponible. Les release notes sont accessibles sur cette page du wiki. Un guide détaillant les principales nouveautés (toutes ne sont pas encore inclues dans cette version RC1) est présent sur cette page, et les spécifications techniques détaillées sont elles aussi accessibles ici. Cette release candidate est proposée en version 3 CD ou 1 DVD Free (n’incluant aucuns logiciels ou drivers non libres) pour les architectures 32 bits et 64 bits, ainsi qu’une version mini-CD à la fois 32 et 64 bits. Une edition Mandriva Linux One (live CD et installation possible) sera ajoutée dans un futur proche, des problèmes avec unionfs ont retardé sa sortie.
« The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco ». It seams that we should be able to reuse Mark Twain’s joke with Paris instead of SFO. I do not remember seeing such bad weather in the summer: it’s been cold, rainy and miserable. And we know many other parts of globe are suffering from horrible weather conditions: heat wave in the south, floods in the North, not to mention hurricanes.
At the same time, the Mandriva weather has been a little rough over the past quarters, which might have added to the general mood.
So it will soon be time to cheer you up with some good news. We have been kind of quiet recently, which does not mean we have not been active. We have been working hard on our products and services offering and on our sales. On the product side, we listened to all our friends and contributors and to the community. On the sales side, our sales team was on the offensive.
We are not ready to show all the results yet, but most projects are in the works and some sales were closed. So let me give you a preview of some of the things we are planning to announce in the coming months:
These will not change the situation immediately from stormy weather to bright sunshine, but it will improve it and will be an indication that we are on the right path.
So, stay tuned and we’ll bring you some of those good news fairly soon.
The testing cycle for Mandriva Linux 2008 begins with the release of beta 1, codenamed Cassini. Already many of the planned new features for 2008 are implemented, and there’s no really big bugs we know about, so it should be a good release to try out. The release page is here, the 2008 Release Notes (which reflect the status of this beta at present) are here, and there’s a tour of new features here. Not all the features in the tour are done yet, but it’s a good overview anyway. There’s Free CD and DVD editions and a mini ISO: no One editions for this beta, we’ll start doing Ones with future beta releases. That means there’s no proprietary drivers on the ISOs, but you can set up the Cooker non-free repository to get them if you need them. Please try it out and report those bugs to our shiny newly updated Bugzilla!