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The 13th issue of Dragonia Magazine is out!

26. julio 2007:

The 13th (no bad luck!) issue of Dragonia Magazine, Polish community magazine, was published today. You can find there a set of articles about most common Linux distributions (also about Mandriva! - see page 9) answering the question: why use this particular distro?

There is also an article about new Mandriva Xtreme II - next edition of special distribution for Polish users that is going to be released at the end of July.

MagDriva 2.2007 is out!

29. junio 2007:

Frankfurt/M, Germany, The German user community MandrivaUser.de proudly presents the latest edition of their community magazine MagDriva.

Dragonia Magazine, Polish community magazine, published in English!

07. mayo 2007:

We are proud to announce the completion of an English version of the eighth issue of Linux users' Dragonia Magazine. In the issue, you'll find articles about Metisse, VoIP, learn how to make www templates using graphics applications, get acquainted with the e17 graphical environment, and many more.

The 10th issue of Dragonia Magazine, Polish community magazine, is out!

30. abril 2007:

You can find there, as usual, a lot of interesting articles:

  • Review of Mandriva Xtreme (special distribution for Polish users)

  • How to defend against spam

  • Description of Lyx editor

  • Part 5 of Java programming tutorial

  • Some Gimp tutorials

  • and, of course, much more!

MandrivaUser.de at LinuxTag 2007 in Berlin

20. abril 2007:

As last year the German Mandriva Community MandrivaUser.de will meet you at the upcoming LinuxTag 2007, presenting
themselves and the exciting new features of Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring and answering questions.

MagDriva 1.2007 published!

30. marzo 2007:

The freshest community magazine of your German user community MandrivaUser.de is ready for download: MagDriva 1.2007

Polish Dragonia Magazine 9 published!

30. marzo 2007:

The latest issue of Dragonia Magazine, Polish community magazine, was published today!

MagDriva 3.2006 is out!

22. diciembre 2006:

The latest issue of MagDriva, the German community magazine from MandrivaUser.de, was published today, ready for the holiday season.

¡Se ha publicado Mandriva Linux 2007! (¡Bienvenido a la página de descargas de Mandriva Linux!)

02. octubre 2006:

Mandriva se enorgullece de presentar su último producto: Mandriva Linux 2007.

La innovación clave de Mandriva Linux 2007 es el espectacular escritorio con aceleración 3D mediante AIGLX y Xgl. Mandriva es la única distribución que ofrece las dos tecnologías y está especialmente contenta de haber alcanzado este gran paso adelante en el aspecto del escritorio. Además, se ha introducido un nuevo tema llamado Ia Ora ("hola" en la Polinesia Francesa)

Mandriva ha desarrollado Invictus Firewall - esta característica está disponible en Mandriva Linux Powerpack+ 2007 - un sistema en clúster de cortafuegos redundantes de alta disponibilidad. Para ajustarse a todas las necesidades, Mandriva Linux 2007 incluye las últimas innovaciones en el campo de las aplicaciones ofimáticas, Internet, multimedia y las nuevas tecnologías de virtualización y aceleración 3D para escritorios. Ahora podrá:

  • Ver legalmente sus películas preferidas con LinDVD;

  • Disfrutar de sus videojuegos con Cedega de TransGaming;

  • Descubrir FlatOut, el famoso juego de carreras de coches;

  • Disfrutar de seis meses de protección anti-virus con Kaspersky;

  • Beneficiarse del potente BitDefender;

  • Ejecutar y gestionar cualquier máquina virtual con VMware Player, un sistema integrado de virtualización.

'Odin' the second beta version of Mandriva Linux 2007 is released ! ()

16. agosto 2006:

Still available in four different versions of live/install CDs (KDE or GNOME, i586 or x86_64) and Dual Architecture Installation DVD and Cds, get a better glimpse at the next Mandriva Linux 2007 edition!

Note that not all of the new features have been implemented yet and that a beta version is not bug-proof.This is why we strongly encourage everyone to test and report any bugs or surprises they may encounter.