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Mis à jour : il y a 9 minutes 2 secondes

Mandriva Flash

il y a 1 heure 58 minutes
I bought Mandriva Flash, and somehow I've erased it. Can you give me instructions to restore? Thanks. I found the restore iso and downloaded it. Now what?...

change home icon?

il y a 2 heures 3 minutes
I would like to change the icon for the home folder. I have a graphic I'd like to use, but I don't know how to make it happen. Can you pls. explain? I am very, very new to Linux, but having fun and willing to try anything Thanks. I did try to find the a...

problème de clé d'activation

il y a 2 heures 14 minutes
j'ai acheté hier la version boite de la powerpack 2008 et quand j'entre la clé d'activation fournie, le site répond que la clé n'est pas valide. Comment faire pour bénéficier des 3 mois de support et de l'abonnement à cedega ? Merci d'avance...

Philips GoGear SA6145

dim, 06/29/2008 - 11:07
Bonjour, Savez-vous si le matériel Philips GoGear SA6145 (lecteur audio/vidéo portable) est supporté sous Linux? J'ai essayé de le configurer avec mtpfs, mais sans succès. Merci Cordialement Marc Fleury...

Philips Webcam SPC500NC

dim, 06/29/2008 - 11:05
Bonjour, Je n'arrive pas à faire marcher ma webcam Philips SPC500NC, même après avoir installé le rpm "dkms-pwc" et et "dkms-gspcav1", qui me semblent être les modules pouvant fonctionner avec ma webcam. Sous kopete (ou skype), aucune webcam n'est d...

Madwifi with x86-64

dim, 06/29/2008 - 08:20
Hello everybody. I have a computer which could support a x86-64 installation (I have already tried) but I had to install the i586 version because this is the only version which works with Madwifi using an AR5007EG (recognized as an AR5006EG) from Atheros....

Mythtv setup

dim, 06/29/2008 - 08:08
Good morning all. Sorry to ask basic questions but I am still very new with Linux and I am not a computer expert. I have installed Mythtv but I cannot run properly the setup. First it tells me that there is no upnp backend found and then it shows me a scr...

maj suite à diffusion du dvd

dim, 06/29/2008 - 07:05
Bonjour, suite à votre courriel, j'ai téléchargé le DVD de mise à jour de la flash 2008. Après avoir procédé à la mise à jour de ma clé, je n'arrive plus à booter directement sur la clé et je suis systematiquement tenu de passer par le dvd (choix boot 8G...

Firefox 3 update

dim, 06/29/2008 - 05:33
How do I install the new firefox 3 update? I have downloaded the software from Mozilla, but don't know how to install it or add it to package manager....

Nikon Coolpix L18 Digital Camera Software.

dim, 06/29/2008 - 02:57
I have just bought the above mentioned Camera, and the software which comes with the camera only works with windows or applemac! Now what?...

I just purchased Mandriva but need some help.

sam, 06/28/2008 - 23:28
How do I get sound? How can I install windows software for hardware which is not working with linux? I have wireless N adapter and a wireless g card with a booster. Mandriva asks for other stuff I don't understand in order for it to work. How do ...

perte bureau 3D

sam, 06/28/2008 - 21:25
j'avais installe mandriva 2008 free et tous fonctionnait à merveille. Pour raison d'espace j'ai repartitioné l'espace windows que j'ai ajouté à linux. Quelques jours apres j'ai fais le backup du home et j'ai reinstallé la même distribution que j'avais s...


sam, 06/28/2008 - 19:22
did not complete download my 5 days expired if i try to use just the iso file kernel loads and at the main screen i get a fatal eror on all my computers suspect bad download or do i have to do something with the other small files how do i redownload or...

winrar and iso

sam, 06/28/2008 - 17:19
Plz Plz Plz help - can someone help me - moved over to Mandriva from win xp and love it. Would like to unpack rar files and burn iso's. Any help would be welcomed. Cheers Garry...

Konqueror problems and wm freezing

sam, 06/28/2008 - 15:10
I have noticed that Konqueror now often has problems with websites that use java or javascript heavily - whereas mozilla-firefox handles them fine. Sometimes when I visit with konqueror, it simply cannot handle the website and will fre...

probleme de clavier

sam, 06/28/2008 - 14:03
je dois tenir chaques touches une seconde si je veut tapper qque chose a l'ecran...

probleme de clavier

sam, 06/28/2008 - 14:03
je dois tenir chaques touches une seconde si je veut tapper qque chose a l'ecran...

Flash update from 2007 to 2008 spring

sam, 06/28/2008 - 09:01
I have a Mandriva Flash 2007 bought at October 2007. How can I now update it to current flash 2008 spring?...

Flash update from 2007 to 2008 spring

sam, 06/28/2008 - 09:01
I have a Mandriva Flash 2007 bought at October 2007. How can I now update it to current flash 2008 spring?...

eee pc 701

sam, 06/28/2008 - 03:39
ДПбрПгП зЎПрПвья. МПутбук EEE PC 701 О ЎОстрОбутОв POWERPACK 2008SPRING (DVD). вПзЌПжМП лО устаМПвОть ЎОстрОбутОв без ОспПльзПваМОя прОвПЎа DVD-ROM?...