Mandriva Linux related Newsgroups and forums
Community Newsletter
Keep in touch with latest Mandriva Linux news: subscribe to the Community Newsletter! You will be regularly informed about the latest and most exciting news about Mandriva Linux.
Several discussion mailing-lists are available for users, in several languages. If you need a mailing-list for a new language, please contact us.
Discussion forums & blogs
Mandriva Club is the main and biggest discussion forum related to Mandriva with more than 20,000 regular Mandriva Linux users! (Multilingual, huge)
Mandriva Corporate Club is a resource for enterprise and corporate users of Mandriva technology to have access to resources and Mandriva's five year supported enterprise solutions.
Mandriva Community Wiki is a great place to learn more about Mandriva Linux usage (hardware that works, tips for configuration, etc.)
Mandriva Linux Users Board (English)
- (German)
Planet Mandriva provides several blogs about Mandriva Linux (English)
Two IRC channels dedicated to the Mandriva Linux distribution are available on
#mandriva -- this channel specializes in general topics for all Mandriva users, particularly newbies.
#mandrivaguru -- this channel is where experienced users can go for help on more advanced topics
If you know of any other IRC channels dedicated to Mandriva Linux, please let us know.
alt.os.linux.mandriva is a usenet newsgroup which deals specifically with issues related to the Mandriva Linux distribution.
Many Linux-related newsgroups exist on Usenet. You can search for specific topics with the Google-groups search engine