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Mandriva Linux 10 PowerPack - Packages list

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The list of packages included in Mandrakelinux 10.0 PowerPack is available below. To know more about a package, please click on its name.

Accessibility Applications/Archiving Applications/Communications/Fax2Send Applications/Development Applications/Emulators Applications/Engineering Applications/Multimedia/Video Applications/Support Archiving/backup Archiving/Backup Archiving/Cd burning Archiving/Compression
  • bzip2 1.0.2 - Extremely powerful file compression utility
  • file-roller 2.4.4 - An archive manager for GNOME.
  • gnozip 0.1.3 - Graphical interface for compression utilities
  • gzip 1.2.4a - The GNU data compression program
  • lha 1.14i - An archiving and compression utility for LHarc format archives.
  • lzop 1.01 - LZO fast file compressor
  • ncompress 4.2.4 - Fast compression and decompression utilities.
  • nomarch 1.3 - GPLed Arc de-archiver
  • unzip 5.50 - Unpacks ZIP files such as those made by pkzip under DOS
  • zip 2.3 - A file compression and packaging utility compatible with PKZIP
Archiving/Other Books/Computer books Books/Howtos
  • howto-html-de 10 - Deutsch HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-el 9.1 - Greek HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-en 10 - English HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-es 10 - Spanish HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-fi 10.0 - Finnish HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-fr 10 - French HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-hu 10 - Hungarian HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-id 10 - Indonesian HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-it 10 - Italian HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-ja 10 - Japanese HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-ko 10 - Korean HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-nl 9.1 - Dutch HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-pl 9.1 - Polish HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-ro 9.1 - Romanian HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-sl 10 - Slovenian HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-sv 9.1 - Swedish HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • howto-html-zh 10 - Chinese HOWTO documents (html format) from the Linux Documentation Project
  • libalsa2-docs 1.0.2 - Documentation for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
Books/Other Business
  • smabi 1.2 - program obsługi sprzedaży dla małej firmy
Communications Databases Development/C Development/C++ Development/Databases Development/GNOME and GTK+ Development/Java Development/KDE and Qt Development/Kernel Development/Libraries Development/Other Development/Perl Development/Python Documentation Editors Emulators File tools
  • clamav 0.67 - An anti-virus utility for Unix.
  • dosfstools 2.9 - Utilities to create and check MS-DOS FAT filesystems.
  • draksync 9.0 - Graphical tool for directory synchronization
  • file 4.07 - A utility for determining file types.
  • FileRunner 2.5.1 - A simple file manager with built-in FTP support
  • findutils 4.1.20 - The GNU versions of find utilities (find, xargs, and locate).
  • git 4.3.20 - A set of GNU Interactive Tools.
  • gnupg 1.2.4 - GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement.
  • grep 2.5.1 - The GNU versions of grep pattern matching utilities.
  • hfsplusutils 1.0.4 - User-space HFS+ utilities
  • hfsutils 3.2.6 - Tools for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes
  • less 381 - A text file browser similar to more, but better.
  • logrotate 3.6.6 - Rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
  • mc 4.6.0 - A user-friendly file manager and visual shell
  • meld - Meld is a GNOME 2 visual diff and merge tool
  • mktemp 1.5 - A small utility for safely making /tmp files.
  • mkxauth 1.7 - A utility for managing .Xauthority files.
  • mtools 3.9.9 - Programs for accessing MS-DOS disks without mounting the disks
  • mtoolsfm 1.9.3 - Graphical frontend for the mtools floppy utilities
  • nautilus 2.4.2 - Nautilus is a file manager for the GNOME desktop environment.
  • pcre 4.5 - PCRE is a Perl-compatible regular expression library
  • slocate 2.7 - Finds files on a system via a central database.
  • symlinks 1.2 - A utility which maintains a system's symbolic links.
  • taglib 1.0 - TagLib, is well, a library for reading and editing audio meta data.
  • tmpwatch 2.9.0 - A utility for removing files based on when they were last accessed.
  • tree 1.4b3 - A utility which displays a tree view of directory contents.
  • uxcook 2.0.1 - Fix problems resulting of improperly set FTP downloads
  • xdelta1 1.1.3 - A binary delta generator
  • xdelta 2.0 - A binary delta generator
  • arkhart 0.1.3 - A roleplaying game in an original world called Arkhart
Games/Arcade Games/Boards Games/Cards
  • pysol 4.82 - PySol provides several solitaire card games
  • xpat2 1.07 - A set of Solitaire type games for the X Window System
Games/Other Games/Sports Games/Strategy Graphical desktop/Enlightenment Graphical desktop/GNOME Graphical desktop/Icewm Graphical desktop/KDE Graphical desktop/Other Graphical desktop/WindowMaker Graphics Monitoring Networking/Chat Networking/Daemons
  • jahia 4.0.3 - An integrated web content management and portal server
Networking/File transfer Networking/Instant messaging Networking/IRC Networking/Mail Networking/News Networking/Other Networking/Remote access Networking/WWW NoMachine Office Publishing Sciences/Chemistry Sciences/Mathematics Sciences/Other Security/Antivirus Shells Sound System/Antivirus System/Base System/Configuration/Boot and Init
  • chkauth 0.3 - Script to change authentification method (local, NIS, LDAP)
  • chkconfig 1.3.8 - A system tool for maintaining the /etc/rc*.d hierarchy.
  • ntsysv 1.3.8 - A system tool for maintaining the /etc/rc*.d hierarchy.
  • numlock 2.0 - Numlock key locker
  • SysVinit 2.85 - Programs which control basic system processes.
System/Configuration/Hardware System/Configuration/Networking System/Configuration/Other System/Configuration/Packaging System/Configuration/Printing
  • mpage 2.5.3 - A tool for printing multiple pages of text on each printed page.
System/Configuration/Theme System/Cryptography System Enviroment/Daemons
  • bdnp 1.5 - Email content filtering and antivirus solution
System Environement/Daemon System Environment/Libraries System Environment/Utilities System/Fonts/True type System/Fonts/Type1 System/Fonts/X11 bitmap System/Internationalization System/Kernel and hardware System/Libraries System/Servers System/XFree86 Terminals Text tools Toys Typing Tutor Video
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