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Mandriva Linux Download

What are you going to download?

Mandriva Linux is a powerful operating system that is available for many platforms: 32 bit processors such as Intel Pentium®, AMD Athlon®, PowerPC®; and 64 bit processors such as Intel Itanium® and AMD Opteron®. Mandriva Linux includes many graphical administration assistants & wizards that make it intuitive and fun to use while providing all the power and robustness of other Linux systems. Hundreds of included applications make it an ideal solution for both professional and home users.

Where to download?

Basically you may get Mandriva Linux from three different sources:

Club Members can download most of Mandriva Linux products from Mandriva, including commercial pack software contents. This is the preferred way and the most affordable way to get all Mandriva Linux releases on the long term.

Full commercial Mandriva Linux packs, and other business products and services are available for purchase as physical boxes and/or electronic download from Mandriva Store . These packs provide the whole Mandriva Linux system plus many pre-installed and convenient commercial plugins such as ATI/NVIDIA driver, Flash player, Java and others, plus documentation and support options.

The "Free Edition" (among others) can be downloaded FOR FREE via a list of public FTP mirrors , as full installation tree and/or CD/DVD ISO images (see above).

Important note: if you download a Free version of Mandriva Linux, please consider joining Mandriva Club to support the development of Mandriva Linux. The more you give, the more you get.