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Mandriva Linux General Features - Security

Top-level Security

Mandriva Linux has a long tradition of security. It provides several features that make it one of the most secure operating systems currently available.

  • Five easy-to-setup security levels are available to choose from -- from "Very low" to "Paranoid" -- depending on the intended use of the system.

  • Shorewall is a comprehensive firewall system which can be configured with just a few clicks in the Mandriva Linux Control Center.

  • Extensive cryptography support is provided with GnuPG, OpenSSH, SSL certificate management tools, a special Linux 'Kernel Secure', encrypted file systems, and email encryption.

  • Kgpg now easily handles your GPG configuration.

  • Authentication is supported via local files or through authentication servers such as LDAP, NIS or Windows NT Server.

Tune your network security.

A simple firewall is provided with Mandriva Linux.