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Mandriva Linux General Features - Multimedia

Multimedia and Games

  • GnomeMeeting is a videoconferencing and voice-over-IP telephony application compatible with Microsoft Netmeeting®. It also supports PC-to-Phone over Internet by registering with MicroTelco Internet telephone service.

  • gPhoto and XawTV lets you use many of the most popular digital cameras with Mandriva Linux.

  • Mplayer, XMMS, Xine and Totem are video players for viewing DVDs, DivX and various video and sound file formats.

  • KDenlive is a video editor.

  • The GIMP is the latest version of this world-class image editing application.

  • A large selection of scanners are supported which can be easily utilized with XSane, The GIMP and Kooka.

  • Grip and KAudioCreator are easy-to-use programs for ripping audio CDs

  • Cdrecord and K3B are available for burning CD-R(W)s and DVD+-R(W)s.

  • FrozenBubble is a highly addictive arcade game. Definitely worth a try.

  • Chromium is a fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter with fine graphics.

  • Tux Racer is a classic 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin.

  • Educational and scientific software are included such as KEduca, KStars and many others.

K3B is great tool for burning CDs & DVDs.

GnomeMeeting lets you place telephone calls over the net!

Have your own real-time planetarium at home with KStars.

The GIMP, a world-class image editing application.