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Mandriva Linux related Newsgroups and forums

Community Newsletter

Keep in touch with latest Mandriva Linux news: subscribe to the Community Newsletter! You will be regularly informed about the latest and most exciting news about Mandriva Linux. Subscribe here.


Several discussion mailing-lists are available for users, in several languages. If you need a mailing-list for a new language, please contact us.

Discussion forums & blogs


Two IRC channels dedicated to the Mandriva Linux distribution are available on irc.freenode.net:

  • #mandriva -- this channel specializes in general topics for all Mandriva users, particularly newbies.

  • #mandrivaguru -- this channel is where experienced users can go for help on more advanced topics

If you know of any other IRC channels dedicated to Mandriva Linux, please let us know.


  • alt.os.linux.mandriva is a usenet newsgroup which deals specifically with issues related to the Mandriva Linux distribution.

  • Many Linux-related newsgroups exist on Usenet. You can search for specific topics with the Google-groups search engine