Press releases
Mandriva and Lacie Introduce GlobeTrotter 2.0, an 80GB Portable Linux Desktop
Bus-powered USB drive with pre-loaded specific Mandriva Linux version
Best for Linux users who want a portable Linux desktop
New for Windows users who want to test Linux without modifying their OS
November 24th, 2005 - Today Mandriva and LaCie introduce a mobile USB hard drive pre-loaded with a specially tuned version of the award-winning Mandriva Linux operating system: the GlobeTrotter2.0 in 40GB or 80GB. Combined with the power and unique design of LaCie hardware, GlobeTrotter allows users to turn any computer into their personal Linux desktop. Following the introduction of first-generation GlobeTrotters by Mandriva last year in Europe, LaCie received significant response and will now offer this second-generation GlobeTrotter through its own worldwide dealer network.
Mandriva Conectiva fecha parceria com Dextra Sistemas
Treinamentos em Linux serão oferecidos no interior de São Paulo
Install Fest será realizado em 65 cidades através do globo
Evento, que será realizado no dia 19 pela Mandriva, visa promover a instalação
da mais recente versão de seu sistema operacional
Worldwide Install Party: Mandriva to rally its community of users in 65 towns across the globe, on November 19
30 towns from China and Brazil will participate in the event.
Mandriva, the number one European Linux publisher, will gather its community of users across the globe during a worldwide install party on Saturday, November 19th.
Following the release of Mandriva Linux 2006, Mandriva is mobilizing its network of Linux User Groups (LUGs). Free community installation sessions will take place around the world. Major participating locations include the United States, Brazil, Canada, China, Moroco, and the island of Reunion.
More than 60 cities are involved, including a dozen in China and 15 in Brazil.
Mandriva Conectiva realiza Install Fest
Evento visa promover em diversos Países a instalação simultânea da mais recente versão do sistema operacional da distribuição
Mandriva Conectiva realizará palestra na Unicsul
Nova parceira em treinamentos é também espaço para palestras sobre Linux
Mandriva Conectiva promove evento de lançamento do Mandriva Linux 2006
Mandriva Conectiva promove evento de lançamento do Mandriva Linux 2006
Lançamento do Mandriva 2006 no Brasil
Nova versão do sistema operacional é fruto da convergência das tecnologias da Mandriva, da Conectiva e da Lycoris.
Nova versão do sistema operacional é fruto da convergência das tecnologias da Mandriva, da Conectiva e da Lycoris (Visão Geral)
A Mandriva, uma das principais distribuições Linux do mundo, acaba de lançar
mundialmente a mais recente versão de seu sistema operacional, o Mandriva
Linux 2006. Fruto da convergência de três tecnologias - Mandrakesoft,
Conectiva e Lycoris, o Mandriva Linux 2006 chega ao mercado para atender as
exigências do mundo informatizado, trazendo funcionalidades como suítes para
escritório, aplicativos multimídia, softwares para internet e servidores.
Mandriva announces the availability of a Dell Laptop pre-loaded With Mandriva Linux for students in France
September, 26th. Mandriva, the number one European Linux publisher, today announces the availability of a Dell Laptop pre-loaded With Mandriva Linux.
Dell is leveraging its Custom Factory Integration capabilities to offer French students from Universities an “n-series” Latitude 110L notebook with a Linux-based OS called Mandriva.
The Latitude 110Ln with the Linux-based operating system is limited to a French Ministry of Education program available only to students in universities.
This is a France-only offering and the direct model allows Dell to customize localized solutions based on customer needs.
The association - a first for the two companies - represents a milestone in Mandriva's effort to make Linux even more accessible to customers, thanks to large OEM deals. Mandriva also counts HP in its portfolio of leading manufacturers.