Press releases
HP releases new Mandriva laptops (in French) (Products)
HP releases new Mandriva laptops (in French)
Mandriva to support top European insurance company MACIF (business)
June 29th, 2005: Mandriva announces a new support contract with MACIF, a major European personal insurance company, with a total of 4.5 million subscribers.
New Mandriva MNF2 offers enterprise-class all-in-one security and infrastructure solution (Products)
Mandriva, formerly Mandrakesoft, today announced the second versions of its comprehensive infrastructure and security system Multi Network Firewall
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Mandriva to support top European insurance company MACIF (business)
June 29th, 2005: Mandriva announces a new support contract with MACIF, a major European personal insurance company, with a total of 4.5 million subscribers.
Novo Mandriva MNF2 oferece solução de segurança e de infraestrutura em um só produto (Products)
24 de Junho de 2005 - A Mandriva, anteriormente conhecida como Mandrakesoft, anunciou a segunda versão do produto completo para infraestrutura e segurança de rede Multi Network Firewall. O MNF2 oferece proteção de firewall avançada, funcionalidades para IDS (Intrusion Detection System ou Sistema de Detecção de Intrusão) e VPN (Virtual Private Network ou Rede Privada Virtual) em um único produto feito para ser usado através de uma simples interface web. Entre as novas características estão novos tipos de VPN como PPTP e OpenVPN, interface de rede de comunicação de união e ligação, controle de tráfego, mapeamento de rede e filtragem ponto-a-ponto. O MNF2 vem com ano de serviços de atualização de segurança, além das opções de suporte. Preço: US$550 / 500 euros.
Mandriva announces acquisition of main Lycoris assets, new move on the desktop (Corporate)
June 15th 2005 - Mandriva, formerly known as Mandrakesoft, the publisher of the popular Mandriva Linux distribution, today announced an agreement to purchase several assets from Lycoris, a major North American Linux distribution for home users. As part of this agreement, Lycoris' founder and CEO Joseph Cheek is joining Mandriva to develop a new and advanced Linux desktop product.
Mandriva's Academia programme eases site-wide Linux deployment for educational institutions (Corporate)
June 8th, 2005 - Further empowering universities, schools and research institutions seeking to build upon Linux for their IT infrastructure, Mandriva launches the Academia program, the all-in-one, single-tier solution for educational institutions.