Scilab included in Mandriva Linux 2007
Terça-Feira, 7 de Novembro de 2006
Mandriva, the leading European Linux publisher, and the Scilab Consortium announce today the availability of the Scilab software within Mandriva Linux 2007.
Scilab is an open source numerical computation platform developed by a consortium managed by INRIA (French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control) which, to date, gathers 23 industrial companies, research centers and engineer schools. It provides a powerful environment for the development of scientific applications and for engineering. Each month, nearly 20,000 remote downloads of Scilab are registered from the Internet site of the Consortium, which makes Scilab one of the most valued pieces of open source scientific software.
Mandriva, whose membership to the Scilab Consortium is pending, and the Scilab Consortium agreed to integrate Scilab into the new Mandriva Linux 2007 distribution (Discovery, Powerpack and Powerpack+). The development teams of Scilab and Mandriva cooperated in the integration of the latest version of Scilab (v4.0, announced in February 2006 and since downloaded more than 150,000 times) into this new Mandriva release. It is planned to continue this arrangement for future versions of Mandriva Linux and of Scilab. In addition, Scilab will also be integrated into Corporate Desktop 4, the Mandriva Linux workstation for businesses.
About The Scilab Consortium
The Scilab software is, since May 2003, produced by a consortium, managed by INRIA, which, to date, has 23* industrial companies, research centers and engineering schools as members. The creation of the Scilab Consortium reflects a will to produce an open source numerical computation platform of high quality. Scilab is developed by a dedicated and permanent team hosted by INRIA. Moreover, its open source nature allows external contributions and thus a level of know-how in the field of scientific computation can be reached which a single company could otherwise claim only with difficulty. Nearly 20,000 remote downloads of the Scilab software are carried out each month from the official site of the Consortium to the benefit of European and foreign companies, universities and research centers. The membership of the Scilab Consortium is in constant growth.
More information at:
* Anagram Technologies, Appedge, Artenum, Atmel Roma, AXS Ingénierie, Cril Technology, CEA, CNES, Dassault-Aviation, EADS, Ecole Centrale de Paris, École Polytechnique, EDF, ENPC, Esterel Technologies, IFP, INRIA, Klippel, PSA, Renault, Styrel Technologies, Thalès, TNI.
About Mandriva
Mandriva, formerly known as Mandrakesoft, is the publisher of the popular Mandriva Linux operating system, one of the most full-featured and easy to use Linux systems. The company offers its enterprise, government, and educational customers a complete range of GNU/Linux and open source software and related services. Mandriva products are available in more than 140 countries through dedicated channels and also from Mandriva Store, the company's online store. Born in 1998, the company has offices in the United States, France and Brazil.
More information at:
Press contacts:
INRIA / The Scilab Consortium
Didier Halgand - - +33 (0)1 39 63 57 23
Emilie Ngo-van Do - - +33 (0)1 40 41 67 67
Guillaume Martin - - +33 (0)1 40 41 17 64