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Mandriva launches Corporate Server 4.0 in beta test

Quinta-Feira, 18 de Maio de 2006:

Paris, May 18thMandriva has initiated a beta test program that will allow its clients and partners to actively contribute to the elaboration of the Corporate Server 4.0 in order to adapt the product to their needs and wills. This program will not only lengthen the quality testing process but will also permit the integration of participants' comments and questions.

The December special release for Mandriva Club members is now available! (Bem-vindo(a) à página do Clube de Usuários Mandriva Linux!)

Quinta-Feira, 29 de Dezembro de 2005:

The special release named "Mandriva-2006-december-club" is now available via Bittorrent and HTTP as well as FTP mirrors on request. It is a 32-bit release which consists of 6 CDs.
The new "Mandriva-2006-december-club" version is based on the 2006 edition which has been enjoying excellent feedback from users. It is only available for Club members, and you will not find it on the Mandriva Store or in another channel.
Since all the 2006 security updates and bug fixes are included, there's no need to reinstall them afterwards. The updated X.org graphics server corrects most of the known issues in Mandriva 2006.
With this exclusive release, you will enjoy a special new Mandriva Club Winter theme, the latest GNOME 2.12 and the final version of OpenOffice.org 2.0!
The 6-CD set contains more than 4300 packages including all the third-party commercial drivers and plugins.
Here are a few screenshots of the "Mandriva-2006-december-club" version:
To get "Mandriva-2006-december-club" - among other benefits - you have to be member of the Mandriva Club. Mandriva Club subscriptions start at 11 euros / 12 USD per month.
Join the club and download now !

Mandriva Club Overwhelmed, Three Months Free Subscription Offer Extended!

Quinta-Feira, 22 de Dezembro de 2005:

The Mandriva Club has been overwhelmed with inquiries from existing Members as to whether the "Three Months Free Subscription to the Mandriva Club" offer was also applicable to renewals and upgrades for existing subscribers. Mandriva would like to confirm that this special offer is available to all Club members who want to renew or upgrade their Club membership level, as well as to those who would like to join the Club for the first time. In order not to deprive these members of this valuable opportunity, we have decided to extend this exceptional offer for "Three Months Free Subscription" (25% discount) until Wednesday, december 28th.
For information about all the advantages of Club membership see:

If you are already a member of the Club, this is an opportunity for you to renew your membership and receive three months free:

If you are not a member of the Club click here:

To benefit from the special discount please enter the following promotion code while subscribing: "PCS-CLUBS1205", available for the Yearly payment.

Junte-se à Install Party do Mandriva Linux 2006 ()

Sexta-Feira, 21 de Outubro de 2005:

Para celebrar a chegada do Mandriva Linux 2006, a Mandriva está organizando no mundo todo (Europa, Ásia, Américas ...) uma festa de instalação marcada para 19 de novembro. Se você estiver interessado em organizar este evento conosco, em seu país ou cidade, por favor envie um e-mail para: [email protected]

Os requisitos:

  • Disponibilidade para oferecer um local de aproximadamente 20 pessoas

  • Disponibilidade de computadores

  • Um número mínimo de pessoas para entrar em contato

A Mandriva irá providenciar o resto: produtos, downloads, revendas, brindes, convites personalizados...

Membros do Mandriva Club conheçam o Mandriva Linux 2006! (Bem-vindo(a) à página do Clube de Usuários Mandriva Linux!)

Terça-Feira, 11 de Outubro de 2005:

A Mandriva garantiu acesso ao Mandriva Linux 2006 a todos os membros do Mandriva Club e a todos os colaboradores oficiais da distribuição. O 2006 é a primeira versão desenvolvida após a fusão da Mandriva, Conectiva e Lycoris. É o Mandriva Linux de mais fácil uso, mais poderoso e mais ergonômico. Os membros do Mandriva Club bem como os colaboradores oficias da distribuição poderão efetuar o download de diversas edições da distribuição todas incluindo aplicações comerciais e plugins como Flash®, Java™ e drivers gráficos como NVIDIA® e ATI™.
Os downloads são possíveis via Bit Torrent ou ainda em servidores dedicados HTTP/FTP (sob pedido). Para acelerar o processo de download via Bit Torrent diversos propagadores estão aguardando com seus torrents para seu download! Se você ainda não é um membro do clube, esta é a hora certa para se juntar e começar a baixar sua distribuição!

Assinatura do Mandriva Club

Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official packs are available! (Products)

Terça-Feira, 19 de Julho de 2005:

The new Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official range of packs is now available! Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official offers you all the greatest Mandrakelinux features in a professional package which includes documentation and support, as well as valuable commercial add-ons.