Linux Core Consortium
What is the Linux Core Consortium?
The Linux Core Consortium (LCC) is a group of Linux companies (Conectiva, Mandriva, Progeny, and Turbolinux) collaborating to form a reference implementation based on the LSB 2.0 standard plus a common kernel. The purpose of the implementation is to provide a simple mechanism for ISV and IHV certification based on the LSB and OSDL.
What are the objectives and goals of the consortium?
Create a standardized Linux core: The core will be based on the LSB 2.0 standard and extensions defined in cooperation with the LSB futures group as well as a common kernel. Input from OSDL working groups will provide a foundation for developing the core.
Form a collaborative partnership: The consortium companies will work together to base their products on a common, standardized core.
Obtain industry support: This partnership allows industry hardware and software companies to more easily certify a wider range of Linux distributions in order to better serve their global customers. LCC provides a common Linux core as well as a roadmap, a reliable timeline, and product consistency.
Is this just another UnitedLinux attempt?
UnitedLinux was based on the premise of four geographically dispersed Linux companies developing a common enterprise product for customers and partners. However, UnitedLinux was a closed organization that relied on the engineering of a single company.
LCC builds on the notion that working together on a common core still makes sense, but not in a closed environment. LCC invites all Linux companies to join. Red Hat, Novell, Sun, and Asianux have already been invited. Also, LCC will be based on the LSB, which already enjoys wide support in the industry.
What is the LCC business structure?
The four founding members have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that sets forth the structure of the consortium (development process, voting, etc.). The LCC consortium will not be a separate company, but a development framework within which each company will work. Each company is responsible for its own costs. LCC has a Board of Managers that is responsible for handling business issues, and a Technical Steering Committee that will drive the technical collaboration. Any intellectual property or code submitted will retain the copyright of the company that produced it, but the code will be released under the appropriate open source license(s). Only LCC members may use the LCC name and logo in their products. New members must be accepted by 2/3 of the current members.
What are the technical details of this consortium?
Implementation of LSB 2.0 with extensions defined in cooperation with the LSB futures group (common kernel will be one of these extensions)
Plan to include guidelines developed by the Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) working groups in future releases. Initial architectures: ia32, Intel® EM64T, ia64, AMD64
Release cycle: 18-24 months
LSB 2.0 core will be available in both rpm- and deb-based formats, allowing the formation of both Debian- and rpm-based distributions
Over time, the LCC will invest in compatibility technologies that will allow Debian packages to be seamlessly installed on the RPM-packaged version and vice versa, facilitating unparalleled compatibility between distributions
Initial product releases with the common LSB core: Q1 2005
How will the LCC address RPM and Debian architectures?
Over time, the LCC is committed to increasing interoperability between Debian and RPM-based technologies and will work toward a common binary core that can form the basis of both Debian and RPM-based distributions.
What benefits will LCC provide to industry partners?
Lower certification costs: IBM, HP, AMD, and Intel each send hardware to Linux vendors for certification. By mailing hardware to just one vendor (or using OSDL’s labs), IHV costs are reduced. If 20% of products are certified, that percentage addresses 80% of the market’s needs.
Stronger Linux standards: The Free Standards Group / LSB has already endorsed the LCC. ISVs and IHVs have said they want a stronger LSB. This consortium strengthens and expands the standards created by the LSB.
How will Linux companies in LCC compete?
Pricing: Each company will set its own product pricing.
Channels: Retail stores, reseller channels, direct, etc.
Support: Each company runs its own support team.
Education: Independent training and certification.
Professional services: Custom implementations.
Applications: Management, administration, messaging, etc.
OEM: Industry partners still choose products to bundle.
Where can I find out more?
You can contact the participating companies or go to for more information.
To join a technical discussion:
How can my company join LCC?
Please contact one of the participating companies for more information.