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Customized Contract: Edge Unlimited
The Customized Support is an unlimited support offer designed for enterprises needing support in very precise situations. It could be support orineted towards Desktop computers, non-Linux architectures or very specific server needs.
Content of the offer:
Web and Phone Support - monday to thursday from 9am to 6pm
Unlimited Phone Calls for a 50-hour pack
Contacts: 2
Troubleshooting begin at worst 4 hours after reporting the problem
Engineering Code and specific patches provided
Technological Watch : Access to Mandriva's information portal
Monthly Case Reports
"Incident Resolved" Notification and Summary (sent by e-mail)
Case Openings, Following-Ups and 24/7 Updates via our website and Incident Following-Up Tool.
Pro Active Support depending on recommandations from the developing teams.
Remote Intervention (via SSH or VPN)
Remote Maintenance (via SSH or VPN)
On-The-Site Support (via a Day Pack divided into several half-days)
Extension of support hours (8am-7pm)
Extra Contacts
Support technique de compte assurant un suivi régulier (réunions trimestrielles)