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The first beta version of Mandriva Linux 2007 has been released ! ()

Понедельник 31 Июль 2006:

Available in four differents flavours live/install CDs (KDE or GNOME, i586 or x86_64) and Dual Architecture Installation DVD and Cds, get a glimpse of the next Mandriva Linux 2007 edition!

Note that not all of the new features have been implemented yet and that a beta version is not bug-proof.
This is why we strongly encourage everyone to test and report any bugs or surprises they may encounter.

German User Community at the Linuxtag 2006

Понедельник 24 Апрель 2006:

This year's Linuxtag will open its doors on May 3rd, 2006 in Wiesbaden, Germany (near Frankfurt). Again Germany's largest international Linux event will attract thousands of users, developers and nearly all the large and small companies of the Open Source world. Except Microsoft who refrained from participating...

Mandriva Linux One 2006 goes beta

Среда 01 Март 2006:

Some of you may have heard or read about a new 'secret project' under development. Well, it's time to take off the wraps: the secret project is Mandriva Linux One 2006, an installable live CD based on Mandriva Linux 2006.

New community-oriented e-magazine about Mandriva Linux!

Вторник 07 Февраль 2006:

Thanks to a few fellows, an e-magazine "Mandriva Linux Inside" was born today with a lot of information, interviews and news about Mandriva Linux...

smart-urpmi: a new tool from the community for the community!

Пятница 03 Февраль 2006:

The German Mandriva user community has something new for you! MandrivaUser.de proudly presents smart-urpmi !

New Mandriva hardware database in beta-test!

Вторник 17 Январь 2006:

Following user's requests for a more comprehensive Mandriva Linux hardware database, a new web-system is now available to manage your system/component information, and share your comments. Is your Firewire device working out of the box? Are you looking for support information for a particular device? Tell or ask the community ! An announce is also available on Club .

NASA отправляется на Марс с рабочих столов Mandriva Linux!

Четверг 12 Январь 2006:

Знаете ли вы, что Mandriva Linux использовался в NASA? Конечно же, NASA использует множество мощных компьютеров с различными операционными системами. А в лаборатории JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology), которая специализируется на исследованиях космоса и планетных миссиях (например, на Марс), нормальным делом для народа является использование Linux на рабочих столах, и в особенности,... Mandriva Linux! Недавняя статья в searchopensource.com раскрывает множество деталей об использовании Linux в JPL...

Cooker snapshot

Среда 28 Декабрь 2005:

Uploaded today on the Mandriva mirrors (/devel/iso/2006.1 section), Mandriva Linux 2006.1 0.3...

MandrivaUser.de releases new magazin and LiveCD!

Пятница 23 Декабрь 2005:

Waiting for Santa? Here are 2 gifts for the German Mandriva user community:

  1. MandrivaUser.de released the third issue of their online magazin MagDriva. It's 34 pages are filled with news about the community, Mandriva and Mandriva Linux and features some nice and interesting articles like a Fluxbox HowTo, legal aspects of ebay trading and a glimpse into the Fellow program of FSFE.

  2. But that's not all: The community released a LiveCD based on Mandriva Linux 2006 which contains all the contents of the MandrivaUser.de site, including the complete discussion forum, the FAQ, articles, news and a lot of nice and exciting screenshots of Mandriva desktops.

Get your MagDriva 3.2005 and your MUDLiveCD at MandrivaUser.de!

MagDriva 3.2005: ftp://ftp.mandrivauser.de/magazin
MUDLiveCD! ftp://ftp.mandrivauser.de/mudlivecd

Regards and Season's Greetings!

Early-posters wanted!

Среда 14 Декабрь 2005:

Crazy about the latest Mandriva Linux news? Want everyone to know about it? Excited about letting the world learn about the fabulous but not widely known features that make Mandriva users' lives better? Then join the early poster volunteers team!